Friday, May 4, 2012

A Weird, but Normal Day Becomes the Craziest Day Ever

*imagine this in the voice of the narrator from the English dub of Hetalia*
So, Luka and Nnoitra were locked into a closet; and emo potato- I mean Goatman- I mean Ulquiorra went into the emo corner that looked more like a booth than a corner. Norway, for who knows what reason, had followed him in there and got dragged into the emo booth.

Emiko: Okay, time's up! *opens the closet that Luka and Nnoitra were in* I SAID TIME'S UP!
Nnoitra: Fine! Sheesh woman!
*so Nnoitra and Luka walk out of the closet*
Denmark: Hey, Ice! Where's Norge?
Iceland: He was following that guy...
Denmark: You mean the other guy who likes Luka? Oh.... what? Ah, now I remember. *goes over to emo booth* Uh.... What's going on in there? *opens door* Video games! Cool! I wanna play-
Norway: *walks out of emo booth and slams Denmark onto the other wall of the room*

*brief intermission*
[krahn-wawld] - verb: to smash, level, waste, ravage, devastate, destroy, demolish, raze, imply reducing a thing to uselessness, to defeat completely
And by the way, to all of you perverted people out there, slamming someone into a wall does not imply what you think it does.

*back to the story*
Luka: Woah! Seme, much?
Iceland: t's actually the other way around when it comes to the two of them.
Norway: What was that? *glares*
Prussia: You wanna be on top, then?
Norway: I don't want to be around that annoying jerk Denmark in the first place.
Emiko: Someone's in denial~
Norway: In denial of what?
Iceland: Stop playing dumb! We all know that you like Denmark! Heck, you used to hang out with him even before you found me! And even after that, everything was all about him!
Norway: Iceland.... it's not what it looks like...
Iceland: Sure it isn't!
Rin: You guys....
Iceland: What?!
Rin: Stop fighting!
Norway: Do you think I want to argue with my little brother?
America: Dudes! I've found a UFO! And it crashed right in Emiko's front yard!
Emiko: *looks out the window* That's not a UFO! That's the spy-cam I installed into Nyu's apartment! It came back, which means it has some valuable information!

To be continued! Maybe...

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