I look like vocaloid Hatsune Miku. However, I am not her bluish-green, teal color. I look like a green version of Miku. If you don't know who Hatsune Miku is then go look at the picture page I created.
Um...well I'm told I have multiple personalities. Like I'm a crazy drunk person one moment, and a total cutesy innocent person the next. I am also sometimes violent, perverted, crazy, or normal. I'm unusually obsessed/attached to Setsuna, so I cling on to him sometimes. I also have this disease/sickness called hugannoya. It's where I don't like to be touched by strangers, and will freak out if I am.
My Character Traits/Special Abilities/Qualities:
I’m a vocaloid. I’m not a “pure” vocaloid. Which makes only me part robot. My human side is true innovator. Because of my pervy dad Rido, I am also part vampire. I have also just found out that I belong to some weird clan that gave me the ability to do some kind of powerful mystical techniques that i forgot the name of. And to top it all off, I’m also a GOD! In short that makes me part epic singing robot, part evolved super human being, and ALL GODLY LIKE. ;) Otherwise meaning I’m AWESOME!! KA-CHA!!! [ rofl xD I sound so conceited. Probably because I am a little conceited in reality ^ ^;;. Oh well, that's who I am so deal with it ;P ]
I have a brother. His name is Shiki Senri. Shiki is a character from vampire knight.
My dad is Rido Kuran. I absolutely detest this guy even though he's my dad. Okay, well I say that I hate him, but we have our moments. According to Emiko he's "a lame piece of fail pervy shit who’s incredibly stupid and a total bastard." Rido is really not like that in Vampire Knight. He's actually pretty cool.
I have a mother as well. That would be Shiki's mother. Apparently, Shiki's mom doesn't have a name xD. I can't find it. Anyways, I like her and she's really pretty ^ ^.
My spouse/husband is Setsuna F. Seiei (Soran Ibrahim...but shhh don't tell him I told you his real name. If you watch Gundam00 then you'd understand why it's a secret.). I absolutely LOVE him. ^ ^ I would never betray him. He's so hot/handsome/sexy. His personality is just to die for. Absolutely perfect. :D
I used to date Kaito (vocaloid) and Setsuna at the same time. I couldn't pick, so I went through a childish stage of "having them all". But I realized that Setsuna is the only one for me, and so I broke up with Kaito.
I have a step-sister, her name is Yukina.
She has chosen to look like the vocaloid character Megurine Luka. She looks exactly like the vocaloid Luka, and everything. So that's about it for the description of her character
Well...her personality is quite complicated too. Because she is totally opposite of what the roleplay shows her out to be. I wouldn't exactly say the exact opposite. She is perverted, but I wouldn't say she does perverted things a lot. I just found that funny, so I made her do that xD. In some parts she's very violent, and in others she's very cute and childish. Luka-chan also has the tendency to curse a lot. [and I mean a lot a lot]
Character Traits/ Special Abilities/ Qualities:
This friend looks like the vocaloid Kagamine Rin. Lolz, don't worry not all of my friends want to be vocaloid characters. xD Um... so she likes everything that Rin has; no changes involved.
Rin is very cute. She's always smiling and cheery. Sometimes, a little too cheery, and can become quite loud. However, despite her carefree happy attitude, she's very intelligent. Meaning even a childish person can be a hard worker. However, do not be fooled by her size and happy aura. This little blonde-y can get pretty evil sometimes. Basically, Rin's personality fits vocaloid Rin's personality perfectly. xD
Character Traits/ Special Abilities/ Qualities
Rin can control water and fly. Since Rin has power over water, she can do a number of things. For example, make the ocean become dry (make water disappear), or have the clouds spill rain (make water appear suddenly), or pull the H2O out of the air (can get water any time she wants xD). By the way, Rin only uses her powers for good...unless you make her really really angry; then she goes berserk and unleashes her mighty powers on you. Anyways, she's a vocaloid singer. Rin is also part demi-god. So thus, she is half vocaloid, half god.
She is dating Len, meaning Len is her boyfriend (and possibly soon to be husband xD)
Um..some of you (who know vocaloid) will be thinking "isn't Len her brother?", well in this roleplay he's not. Len and Rin are not twin siblings. They are actually mirror images; meaning they're two unrelated people who look strangely alike. So thus, it's okay for Rin to date Len :D
Furthermore, her father is Posideon; hense the reason she's a demi-god and has control over water
Nyu wants to look like a cat. . . yea I know that's odd, but that's what she wants xD. Anyways, she sent me a picture of the cat she wished to look like:
Nice looking cat huh? xD It's pretty cute. Before she picked a picture of a cat that looked like a bear. So this is a great improvement.
The picture of the sword guy is Nyu's commonly used human transformation. Like when she's not in cat mode this is her human mode. Nyu is a girl, but she can only draw boys, so this is what she's stuck with. xD The picture with all the shading and stuff is her sketch, and the colored one is her finished product of the picture. As you can tell the copyright over the picture is the link to Nyu's deviant account. Why don't you go check it out. She has some pretty nice pictures on it ^ ^.
Nyu is a very laid back, easy going kind of person. She is carefree and lazy. But even though she's lazy, she is observant, alert, and witty. And if put into a dangerous situation, she will be serious. A very smart girl she is, who could be described as sly. However, she has the tendency to attack people, and is commonly called a cow because she has a bottemless pit for a stomach. xD
Character Traits/ Special Abilites/ Qualities:
Nyu has the special ability to transform into anything and everything as she pleases. She also has the ability to bring back and control the dead (necromancy?). Somehow she is able to control all basic elements. Nyu is able to wield japanese long swords too. She is part cat, part person, part cow. xD
She has none.
Wait let me rephrase that. Nyu is quite the loner. She somehow appeared on earth, and has been living as a cat-man since then. Nyu doesn't have any interests in other people, so she finds having a boyfriend pointless. Love is nothing to her xD. But, nonetheless, we're still her friends. She wanted to live her life alone in her apartment, but when she met Emiko everything changed. xD Emiko has bugged her nonestop, and has changed Nyu into a nicer person. Sure Nyu sometimes attacks everyone randomly when we piss her off too much, but we still love her. Which pisses Nyu off. xD
Katrina Mikyuki. She is a girl with pretty long black hair, and big brown eyes. She has the prettiest smile ever, and ..let me just give you a picture xD.
That's her up there. :)
She tends to hang out with weird people like Emiko and Luka. Furthermore, she is an anime/manga obsessed otaku, who is always reading manga or reading manga. (i said it twice on purpose) Katrina, is a very friendly person who can make people laugh, and not too mention that she's super creative. Katrina is also like the peace keeper in our group. If it weren't for her, Emiko and Luka would have killed each other by now. xD
Character Traits/ Special Abilities/Qualities:
Um...a special ability of Katrina is being able to teleport. Katrina also has the ability to revive all the people that has died from facing Luka's furious wrath. Except, she is unfortunately not able to revive all the dead people she wants; just the ones that Luka has (accidently or on purpose) killed [which could possibly be all Ulquiorra haters and/or mean people xD]. You could say that Katrina is mostly just a normal teenage girl though, and enjoys being one. However, thanks to Luka and Emiko, she has became a tad bit less normal.
She doesn't have any special relatives that appear very often. Katrina has two ordinary parents, and lives in an ordinary house. She may have a comfortable lifestyle, but she is never bored because she has a bunch of wacky friends who entertain her greatly. She does have an epic cousin named Umi, who's a year older then her. Umi doesn't appear in the roleplay, but she is an original character that Katrina knows the true identity of. I don't know much about Umi except that she's nice, so I'm sorry but I can't give a description of her. Also, Katrina has three little sisters who also don't appear in the roleplay. I'm not exactly sure of their names or whereabouts. I deeply apologize for the lack of information/detail ^ ^;;
But what I do know is that Katrina secretly likes Canada, from Hetalia. :D
Yukina is a girl with green-ish blue (turquoise?) hair that is almost always in a pony tail. She usually uses some kind of red string or ribbon to tie up her pony tail. Her eyes are big, gentle (sleepy looking), and brown-ish red. She is practically always wearing a light blue Japanese kimono with sock and slippers. Just look at the "Pictures of Us" page for a better understand of what she looks like.
Yukina says she is a kind and gentle person, and most of the times she is. However, other times she can be a total pain in the butt and make no sense. xD Her personality can change sometimes like Emiko, but she's somewhat consistent in what she does. She is a little obsessed with weapons and fighting. A lot of the times she's stubborn and it's either her way or no way. But Emiko can usually keep her in order. Overall, she's a pretty good person.
Character Traits/ Special Abilities/ Qualities:
She is a skilled master with swords and can use the weapon with expertise. Not only is she skilled in using the sword, but she can also use various other types of weapons. For example, the shuriken, kunai, nunchucks, and etc. Supposedly, Yukina also has different types of eyes. When I say different types of eyes, I mean her eyes provide her with certain powers, and there are different names for them.
The names of the eyes she has are (based on the anime, Naruto):
She is Emiko's half sister :D! She has the same dad as Emiko, but a different mom; meaning she and Emiko share the same weirdo dad, Rido xD. Her mom is named Hina, and she also has a brother (which is not related to Emiko in any way). His name is Hiei (I have no clue who he is, so I'm not writing about him). She also has a boyfriend. Supposedly, he is also a demon. His name would be Kurama.
(btw xD Yukina is Emiko's actual sister.)
P.S. Also, the Nyu in this banner isn't really the Nyu I described in the description page, but like I said she can shapeshift. We forced her to look like a girl for this picture. Rin also told me to say that she's not that short in real life.
That's all for now...I'll update it if I find out any more facts, or any new character join.
I have a brother. His name is Shiki Senri. Shiki is a character from vampire knight.
My dad is Rido Kuran. I absolutely detest this guy even though he's my dad. Okay, well I say that I hate him, but we have our moments. According to Emiko he's "a lame piece of fail pervy shit who’s incredibly stupid and a total bastard." Rido is really not like that in Vampire Knight. He's actually pretty cool.
I have a mother as well. That would be Shiki's mother. Apparently, Shiki's mom doesn't have a name xD. I can't find it. Anyways, I like her and she's really pretty ^ ^.
My spouse/husband is Setsuna F. Seiei (Soran Ibrahim...but shhh don't tell him I told you his real name. If you watch Gundam00 then you'd understand why it's a secret.). I absolutely LOVE him. ^ ^ I would never betray him. He's so hot/handsome/sexy. His personality is just to die for. Absolutely perfect. :D
I used to date Kaito (vocaloid) and Setsuna at the same time. I couldn't pick, so I went through a childish stage of "having them all". But I realized that Setsuna is the only one for me, and so I broke up with Kaito.
I have a step-sister, her name is Yukina.
She has chosen to look like the vocaloid character Megurine Luka. She looks exactly like the vocaloid Luka, and everything. So that's about it for the description of her character
Well...her personality is quite complicated too. Because she is totally opposite of what the roleplay shows her out to be. I wouldn't exactly say the exact opposite. She is perverted, but I wouldn't say she does perverted things a lot. I just found that funny, so I made her do that xD. In some parts she's very violent, and in others she's very cute and childish. Luka-chan also has the tendency to curse a lot. [and I mean a lot a lot]
Character Traits/ Special Abilities/ Qualities:
Luka is a pure blooded vampire and vocaloid. She also have the ability of creating clones of myself and traveling through different dimensions. I remember she said she could multiply herself xD. Also, she's apparently an esapada. She took the place of Orhime. lol. Aizen supposedly loves her [rofl ..but in the roleplay it shows otherwise ^ ^;;]. She gets along well with all the espadas. Plus she is also one of the most powerful epic shinagami people you’ll ever meet. Meaning she could probably kick your ass any day!
Um...this is rather difficult to explain because I don't even know the facts of this.
I'm guesing Kaname Kuran is still her brother. She used to date him, but they broke up once she started getting addicted to Bleach xD.
Um...I don't think she has any sisters.
If Kaname is her brother then, Kaname's parents are her parents I guess. I'm too lazy to look them up right now. She's my cousin because Rido Kuran is Kaname's uncle.
Oh, but that was her family from the beginning.
I think now she wished for Gin and Grimmjow to be her brothers. I don't know about everything else.
Her spouse is Goatman -er Ulquiorra. Sorry we call him goatman because of his goat-like legs in his transformation thing. xD. Um...that's it for her spouse, I guess. She's very fickle, so the spouse info might change.RIN
This friend looks like the vocaloid Kagamine Rin. Lolz, don't worry not all of my friends want to be vocaloid characters. xD Um... so she likes everything that Rin has; no changes involved.
Rin is very cute. She's always smiling and cheery. Sometimes, a little too cheery, and can become quite loud. However, despite her carefree happy attitude, she's very intelligent. Meaning even a childish person can be a hard worker. However, do not be fooled by her size and happy aura. This little blonde-y can get pretty evil sometimes. Basically, Rin's personality fits vocaloid Rin's personality perfectly. xD
Character Traits/ Special Abilities/ Qualities
Rin can control water and fly. Since Rin has power over water, she can do a number of things. For example, make the ocean become dry (make water disappear), or have the clouds spill rain (make water appear suddenly), or pull the H2O out of the air (can get water any time she wants xD). By the way, Rin only uses her powers for good...unless you make her really really angry; then she goes berserk and unleashes her mighty powers on you. Anyways, she's a vocaloid singer. Rin is also part demi-god. So thus, she is half vocaloid, half god.
She is dating Len, meaning Len is her boyfriend (and possibly soon to be husband xD)
Um..some of you (who know vocaloid) will be thinking "isn't Len her brother?", well in this roleplay he's not. Len and Rin are not twin siblings. They are actually mirror images; meaning they're two unrelated people who look strangely alike. So thus, it's okay for Rin to date Len :D
Furthermore, her father is Posideon; hense the reason she's a demi-god and has control over water
Nyu wants to look like a cat. . . yea I know that's odd, but that's what she wants xD. Anyways, she sent me a picture of the cat she wished to look like:
Nice looking cat huh? xD It's pretty cute. Before she picked a picture of a cat that looked like a bear. So this is a great improvement.

Nyu is a very laid back, easy going kind of person. She is carefree and lazy. But even though she's lazy, she is observant, alert, and witty. And if put into a dangerous situation, she will be serious. A very smart girl she is, who could be described as sly. However, she has the tendency to attack people, and is commonly called a cow because she has a bottemless pit for a stomach. xD
Character Traits/ Special Abilites/ Qualities:
Nyu has the special ability to transform into anything and everything as she pleases. She also has the ability to bring back and control the dead (necromancy?). Somehow she is able to control all basic elements. Nyu is able to wield japanese long swords too. She is part cat, part person, part cow. xD
She has none.
Wait let me rephrase that. Nyu is quite the loner. She somehow appeared on earth, and has been living as a cat-man since then. Nyu doesn't have any interests in other people, so she finds having a boyfriend pointless. Love is nothing to her xD. But, nonetheless, we're still her friends. She wanted to live her life alone in her apartment, but when she met Emiko everything changed. xD Emiko has bugged her nonestop, and has changed Nyu into a nicer person. Sure Nyu sometimes attacks everyone randomly when we piss her off too much, but we still love her. Which pisses Nyu off. xD
Katrina Mikyuki. She is a girl with pretty long black hair, and big brown eyes. She has the prettiest smile ever, and ..let me just give you a picture xD.
That's her up there. :)
She tends to hang out with weird people like Emiko and Luka. Furthermore, she is an anime/manga obsessed otaku, who is always reading manga or reading manga. (i said it twice on purpose) Katrina, is a very friendly person who can make people laugh, and not too mention that she's super creative. Katrina is also like the peace keeper in our group. If it weren't for her, Emiko and Luka would have killed each other by now. xD
Character Traits/ Special Abilities/Qualities:
Um...a special ability of Katrina is being able to teleport. Katrina also has the ability to revive all the people that has died from facing Luka's furious wrath. Except, she is unfortunately not able to revive all the dead people she wants; just the ones that Luka has (accidently or on purpose) killed [which could possibly be all Ulquiorra haters and/or mean people xD]. You could say that Katrina is mostly just a normal teenage girl though, and enjoys being one. However, thanks to Luka and Emiko, she has became a tad bit less normal.
She doesn't have any special relatives that appear very often. Katrina has two ordinary parents, and lives in an ordinary house. She may have a comfortable lifestyle, but she is never bored because she has a bunch of wacky friends who entertain her greatly. She does have an epic cousin named Umi, who's a year older then her. Umi doesn't appear in the roleplay, but she is an original character that Katrina knows the true identity of. I don't know much about Umi except that she's nice, so I'm sorry but I can't give a description of her. Also, Katrina has three little sisters who also don't appear in the roleplay. I'm not exactly sure of their names or whereabouts. I deeply apologize for the lack of information/detail ^ ^;;
But what I do know is that Katrina secretly likes Canada, from Hetalia. :D
Yukina is a girl with green-ish blue (turquoise?) hair that is almost always in a pony tail. She usually uses some kind of red string or ribbon to tie up her pony tail. Her eyes are big, gentle (sleepy looking), and brown-ish red. She is practically always wearing a light blue Japanese kimono with sock and slippers. Just look at the "Pictures of Us" page for a better understand of what she looks like.
Yukina says she is a kind and gentle person, and most of the times she is. However, other times she can be a total pain in the butt and make no sense. xD Her personality can change sometimes like Emiko, but she's somewhat consistent in what she does. She is a little obsessed with weapons and fighting. A lot of the times she's stubborn and it's either her way or no way. But Emiko can usually keep her in order. Overall, she's a pretty good person.
Character Traits/ Special Abilities/ Qualities:
She is a skilled master with swords and can use the weapon with expertise. Not only is she skilled in using the sword, but she can also use various other types of weapons. For example, the shuriken, kunai, nunchucks, and etc. Supposedly, Yukina also has different types of eyes. When I say different types of eyes, I mean her eyes provide her with certain powers, and there are different names for them.
The names of the eyes she has are (based on the anime, Naruto):
- byakugan
- mangukyo sharingon
- rinnegan
She is Emiko's half sister :D! She has the same dad as Emiko, but a different mom; meaning she and Emiko share the same weirdo dad, Rido xD. Her mom is named Hina, and she also has a brother (which is not related to Emiko in any way). His name is Hiei (I have no clue who he is, so I'm not writing about him). She also has a boyfriend. Supposedly, he is also a demon. His name would be Kurama.
(btw xD Yukina is Emiko's actual sister.)
P.S. Also, the Nyu in this banner isn't really the Nyu I described in the description page, but like I said she can shapeshift. We forced her to look like a girl for this picture. Rin also told me to say that she's not that short in real life.
That's all for now...I'll update it if I find out any more facts, or any new character join.