Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Weird, but Normal Day for Emiko and Her Friends

Just a normal *cough, cough* day in Emiko's place...

Katrina and Rin, who are apparently playing a video game, look at each other saying, Uh oh, what did Emiko do this time?
Nyu: *runs into the living room where Katrina and Rin were* WHERE IS THAT F*CKING BASTARD EMIKO???
Emiko: *randomly appears* What?! I was busy doing something with Setsuna-kun...
Nyu, Katrina, Rin: *looks at Emiko weirdly*
Emiko: *realizes what she said* ...n...noth...nothing like that people... *worry look on her face*
Katrina & Rin: Okay... anyway... *both look at Nyu*
Nyu: *see them staring* What?... Oh yes... EMIKO WHERE'S MY FOOD!!! MY YUMMY FOOD!!!
Emiko: Oh my gosh woman! You yell for me because of that!
Nyu: YES!!!
Emiko: *sighs and opens her bag* Here you go! *hands her a mountain of food*
Luka: *appears out of nowhere* WTF is going on here?!
Nyu: *eats all of food in less a minute*
Rin: OMG WOMAN! Slow down...
Nyu: Whatever I'm outta here. *teleports somewhere*
Katrina: Woah Nyu can teleport?!?!
Emiko: ... Yes?

~awkward silence~

Luka: Well goodbye! *disappears*
Katrina: Um... Goodbye... *runs out the door*
Rin: Me too. Bye Emiko. *leaves*
Emiko: *puzzling look on her face* What just happened? Where's everyone? *keeps on asking questions* OH WELL BYE!!! *transports to a place*

~apparently everyone was at Emiko's mansion. and a bunch of people are drunk, so they act weird.~

Emiko: Let's play spin the bottle!
Emiko: NO ONE CARES! *spins the bottle and it lands on Luka and Nnoitra*
Ulquiorra: ..........
Denmark: Is someone jealous?
Norway: *smacks Denmark* Shut up. you shouldn't butt into other people's business.
Denmark: Good point.
Norway: *annoyed*
France: I can feel the mood here, mon ami~
England: Shut up, bloody git!

~Emiko locks Luka and Nnoitra in a closet. The closet is filled with Paluzski. Poland wanted to eat Paluzski five minutes later. So he opened the closet~

Poland: *opens closet* O/////O that was like, totally, like, totally......... totally awkward.
Ulquiorra: *goes to emo corner*
Denmark: This house has an emo corner?
Emiko: Houses are supposed to have emo corners, aren't they?
Denmark: But emo corners are corners, not booths filled with knives.
Emiko: It's an emo corner. The knives are to cut yourself with.
Denmark: That's creepy...
Norway: *goes over to emo corner* Are you.........

~no response~

Norway: ................ Hello? *gets pulled into emo booth by Ulquiorra*

Dun Dun Dunnn~~!! What do you think happens next? X3

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Two One Shots

lol so I haven't updated in like forever. Terribly sorry ^ ^;;...been a bit busy...
Anyways, today's roleplay story will be just two short, one shot stories :) one by me and the other by Katrina-chan. 
Enjoy~ ;D
Emiko's Short Story~

Emiko: Setsuna-kun~~
Setsuna: Yes, Emiko?
Emiko: I LOVE YOU~ <3
Setsuna: okay...
Emiko: what do you mean “okay”?! >:O
Setsuna: er- I mean I love you too ^ ^;;
Emiko: that’s not good enough now! :O
Setsuna: What do you want me to do....?
Emiko: hmm~ take me somewhere nice x). NO WAIT! I want to drive a gundam :)
Setsuna: erm...don’t break it okay?
Emiko: Okay~ :D

~Setsuna gets Emiko a gundam to drive and Emiko gets inside~

Emiko: yay! :D
Setsuna: Okay to go left press this. To go right push this. To go straight flick this. To go back squeeze this.
Emiko: LOL xD what’s with these weird buttons? And those adjectives sound so wrong~ x]
Setsuna: …^ ^;; yea....I thought we promised to never talk about that again.
Emiko: heheh x) i can’t help it~ that night was fuuunn. How could I not talk about it? (xDD lol i feel like being pervy today)
Kaito: *pops his head in* What are you two doing?
Emiko: :D Ice cream! I want some!
Kaito: Okay~ *hands Emiko ice cream*
Emiko: *liiiickkk~* yummy ^ ^

~Emiko accidently got a dropped the ice cream and it got all over the gundam’s control pannels~
Setsuna: Emiko... -.-;;
Emiko: Gomen nasi! > <

~the door of the gundam suddenly shut closed. Which in result made Setsuna, Kaito, and Emiko trapped inside~

Emiko: oh no! what happened? :O
Kaito: p-poor ice cream TT^TT bwaaaaaah *is now crying* Setsuna: crap...

~The gundam then starts to activate itself~

Kaito: what’s with the flashing lights?

Setsuna: The gundam is going into auto pilot mode! and I can’t stop it.

~The gundam then precedes to shoot at Nyu’s apartment, Luka-chan’s mansion, Rin-chan’s house, and Katrina-chan’s home~

Kaito: ….it’s destroying our friends houses...
Setsuna: Emiko did you preset things before the gundam started?
Emiko: yesh :3
Setsuna: what did you preset the stuff too?
Emiko: To destroy our friends’ houses :3
Kaito: WHY?!
Setsuna: …....=.=
(emiko’s note: xDD hahaha apparently setsuna’s the only stable minded person here)
Emiko: ….um....Enter! Exit! Emiko-chan! :D *does the little dance/hand motion for it xD*
Setsuna: Don’t change the subject *is trying to hold back his laughter xD* Damn, why is she so cute? > < (emiko’s note: haha xD i dont think i look cute doing the enter/exit thing, i just want Setsuna to think so x3)
~Emiko then eventually preceds to explain why she wanted to explode everybody’s houses~

Emiko: This should be obvious :V.
Kaito: Tell meh anyways~

Emiko: I like everyone living in my house, so to resolve the issue of you people having your own homes already, I blew your living space up ^ ^
Nyu: WTF?!? 
Luka: What if I was still in there?!
Rin: What about our stuff? TT^TT Len: what about our dog? and cat? and hamster? and 10 gold fishes? and parrot? and..*lists like 10 other species xD* (emiko’s note: i’ve decided that in my “perfect world” where i get whatever i want, Len and Rin loves animals and has tons of them xD their house is like a zoo. just because~ no special reason as to why I wanted this xD)
Nyu: damn you got a lot of pets...
Len: be quiet! :P
Emiko: Don’t worry, I made sure all your stuff was moved into my house before I exploded your homes  ^ ^
Luka: Well you’re lucky that we weren’t in there! Emiko: But I made sure to get a hold of your schedules for the day just in case.

~Everyone ends up living in Emiko’s house like she wanted and happily ever after...for Emiko at least ^ ^ ~

Katrina's Short Story~
The world was perfect-ish. There was no starvation, or war, or national debt, or animal abuse, or crazy storms. There were only three problems, that really didn’t matter. Or did they?
1. France going around molesting people (and not getting along with England)
2. Nyu and Emiko didn’t seem to get along.
3. Norway still hated Denmark. Or pretended to. Yeah, he pretended to. Don’t ask why, though.

Prussia: I AM AWESOME! *plays something on Azusa’s guitar*
Umi: I AM AWESOMER! *plays something even better on Azusa’s guitar*
Azusa: That’s my guitar................
Amu: Umi is high on ice cream......... again................
Kaito: Ice cream? I want some!
Yui: Yeah!
Yaya: ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Annie: ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *eats ice cream and is now high on sugar*
Conner: Annie! You’re high on sugar again! Oh well, Imma get a cheeseburger! Lady Rima, do you want one?
Rima: Why thank you!
Conner: How about you, Onii-san?
Nagi: No, thank you.
Yui: NO, THANK YOU! *plays this song: *
Ritsu: Wow! Your voice sounds just like Mio!
Yui: That’s because Mio was singing!
Ritsu: Where is she?
Conner: I don’t know!
Ritsu: I wasn’t asking you...........
Denmark: The question sounded like it was directed at everyone.
Norway: Shut up. You’re annoying.
Denmark: I see...........
Nyu: The fck? You were insulted and you don’t care?
Iceland: He’s oblivious. That’s all.
Nyu: Weird. And immature.
Denmark: Immature?! I’m the elder brother-
Norway: Screw you!
Denmark: *sweat* You want to screw me?
Norway: *strangles Denmark* You. Are an IDIOT!
Conner: Hey! A chess game! I wanna watch! *watches Lithuania and Poland play chess*
Lithuania: I’ve got you trapped.
Poland: It’s okay, I’ll just activate-
Lithuania: No.
Poland: YES! I ACTIVATE POLAND’S RULE! IT’S MY TURN FOREVER! *starts moving all of the pieces around randomly* Swabambambambambambambambambam!
Lithuania: This isn’t chess anymore! You’re just pitting my pieces against eachother!
*Katrina gets an odd sense of de ja vu:*

THE END! you know why? CUZ I FEEL LIKE IT
LOL Poland.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Continuation of "Blossoming of a New Love"

Canada: w-well I guess this is good bye?
Katrina: ah choo! *sneezes*
Canada: Oh, it’s cold out here. *gives her his jacket*
Katrina: T-thank you ^/////^  
What is this fuzzy feeling?...
Canda: See you later Katrina :)  this girl notices me! ^////^
Katrina: Yea, see you later :)

Canada: *runs to the car because America already forgot and was about to drive off* Wait for me~!! D:
Emiko: katrina! Come back inside! You’ll catch a cold~ if you don’t!!
Katrina: eh, Coming! *runs inside*

Rin: *yawns and stretches* Ah, what a nice nap! I feel so refreshed :) *takes time to look outside the window*
Huh? Wait, who are these people outside? And Katrina-chan is.. blushing?! Isn’t this in the midle of the afternoon? Wait. WHA?! D: *looks at clock* Oh gosh! Its like.. past 6 o’ clock! So... that means I must’ve taken quite a LONG nap... *facepalms* Wait, what about Len? I wonder if he’s in his room...
Len? Len, you there? *cautiously slide open divider*
*sees that the bed is empty*
Gah, I knew it! Then why the hell didn’t he wake me? >:/

*rushes downstairs*

Rin: *out of breath* H-hi. G-guys... *bends down and puts hands on knees*
Emiko: Oh, hey Rin-chan! :D
Katrina: Have a nice nap, Rin? :)
Len: Rin! Hey! :)
Rin: *looks up and glares* Len. Why the hell didn’t you ever wake me up? Or atleast TRY to? Hmmm?
Len: Oh.. u-umm.. w-well... I just wanted you to sleep. Y-you know, because you stayed awake until like 2 in the morning?
Rin: *blushes* Oh, is THAT why you didn’t wake me? ^////^;
But wait! Hold it! Who were those people outside? *looks around*
Emiko: Who do you mean by “those people”, Rin-chan?
Rin: You guys know EXACTLY what I mean! >:/ *puts hands on hips*
The... errm... oh yes! I remember one of them was holding a white bear! The others must be his friends, right? And YOU TWO. *glares at Emiko and Katrina* Why the hell didn't you people wake me when there were GUESTS?
Emiko and Katrina: Because Len-kun told us not to wake you.
Rin: *facepalms again* *then looks up* Ok, well to make it up to me, you guys have to inform me about E-VER-Y-THING that happened. Everything. *smiles an evil smirk and in a demanding tone says* I want a full description with vivid details enough to make me feel as if I was there. You guys have promptly 30 seconds. >:)
Emiko and Katrina: This must be Rin-chan’s famous “Daughter of Evil” side O_O;;
Len: --; Oh no. Rin’s “evil princess” side...
Rin: *suddenly looks at Len* Oh and Len. I’m not done with you. *another evil smirk*
I’ll think of something for you to make it up to me too >:)
Len: Oh shit. I’m actually getting nervous about this... O_O;;Katrina: Okay well- *gets stopped in mid sentence*
Emiko: That’s too trouble some >3<
Rin: No. I refuse. You must tell me EVERYTHING: NOW. No details left out!
Emiko: Sigh~ you troublesome woman -.-;;. Let me just show you the video footage. <--that was recorded by my cameras
Rin: Hmm.. well, yeah. I guess video camera footage would be alright....
Emiko: Would Len-kun like to watch as well?
Len: Sure! Would love to :3
Katrina: Me too please  I want to see Emiko-chan’s camera room ^ ^
Emiko: Okay! :D  *blind folds them all*
Katrina: What’s going on?! Why are you blind folding me?!

Emiko: I can’t let you know the location of my camera room! What do you take me for, an idiot!?

~Emiko starts to lead them to her secret camera room~

Len: *almost trips* Wah!
Rin: *hears Len make a funny sound* Are you okay, Len-kun?! :O *then giggles*
Len: Y-yeah *embarrassed*
Emiko: You’re such an idiot
Len: *glares through blind fold*
Rin: Thats probably because.. umm... I don’t know... maybe because... we’re BLINDFOLDED! xD
Katrina: Why are there so many turns!?
Emiko: Because we just went through my secret underground maze, and now heading for my camera room.
Katrina: I wouldn’t have expected Emiko-chan to remember how to go through a maze..^ ^;;
Emiko: ...yea i guess so xD but Setsu-kun drew me a map :D

~Eventually they get to the camera room...after Emiko realized that her map was upside down~

Emiko: Okay we’re here :D
Len: Finally. I swear we might have died with you leading us around that stupid maze.
Emiko: Gah :P Whatever. *unblind folds them*

~The three of them open their eyes to see a room with many tv screens covering the walls~

the camera room has about a 2x5 row of tv screens covering three walls (10 screens per wall) of the room. You could also see two comfy chairs and tons of buttons.

Rin: Wah~ so cool ^ ^
Len: …-.-;; why do you have a camera recording Rin-chan and mine’s room?

Emiko: ^ ^ I video tape everybody’s room. You all do very interesting things when you don’t know you’re being watched.
Rin: O.O
Len: this woman scares me ….
Katrina: ^ ^;; um..Emiko..exactly how often do you actually watch us?
Emiko: Eh, whenever I have free time.
Rin: ...and how much free time do you exactly have...?
Emiko: I usually finish all my work for the day in 3 hours. So I have lots. Meaning I spend, 4 hours of my day here.
Katrina: Phew, that’s not that much.
Emiko: I usually watch you guys at night though ^w^ That’s when all the interesting things happen xD
Rin: O.O ...what do you mean by “interesting?”
Emiko: eh heh heh *grins* xD anywaysu~ let’s get back to business.
Rin: ...So this means you’re a perv that likes watching people kiss, make out, just sleep, and like do you-know-what? Oh gosh, Emiko... O///O --;
Uhh... well I guess we should just leave this topic alone and go to the more important one; knowing what happened.
Emiko: *pushes a button and plays the events of what Rin missed*

~After watching the video~
Rin: Ohhhh~ I see what happened! :D
Hmm... so Canada-san gave his jacket to Katrina-chan? Ooooooh~ I see some blossoming lovee~ ;D

Katrina: N-no! What are you talking about? We just met! I don’t think love happens that quickly...
Rin: Oh no, Katrina~ Love can happen at first sight~ And maybe it did for youuu~ ;D
Len: Now, Rin. You can’t go teasing people like that! What if they really get offended and flustered?
Rin: Like you do, Lenny? xD
Len: What are you talking about? I don’t get flustered by the things you do or say to me! I’m not flustered one bit! >//< *walks away*
Rin: Oh no~ Lennyyyy~ Come back~ I didn’t mean it! *runs after him*
Len: *is actually blushing as he walks away at a brisk pace* Gah. Why is Rin so successful in doing things like this? She actually has made me flustered so many times... and sometimes just plain pissed...
Rin: *almost catches up with him* Len! Len, stop! Wait for me!
Len: *blush deepens and he stops, but doesn’t turn around*
Rin: *now catches up with him* Len!
Len: *mumbles in a low voice* ..Yeah? *still doesn’t turn around*
Rin: Len~ Come on, stop being pissed off at me? I don’t know what I did but I’m sowy, gwash >3< *makes puppydog eyes*
Len: *still in a low voice* Nah, I’m not pissed off at you... don’t worry... *turns around, smiles slightly and pats Rin on the head, then leaves*
Rin: ...Len? *stands there as he is walking away* I must’ve somehow made him feel uncomfortable... he never was like this before... What do I do? *bites lip* :/
Len: *sigh* Rin, you don’t understand... I’m not angry at you...
But I just... I don’t even really know what I’m feeling right now... I don’t know if its because I like you... or... GAH. I just don’t know! I wonder if I’m in... love? No, it can’t be... can it? :/

~Now both Rin and Len have went to their rooms and are ready for bed (by this I mean: In their pajamas)~
Rin: Hmm... I hope Len-kun is feeling better... I should say goodnight before he falls alseep. *cautiously slides open divider*
Len? Len, you awake? *half whispers*
Len: Hmm..? Oh yeah, I’m awake *looks up at Rin with sleepy eyes* (Btw Len is laying down, right now)
Rin: Oh! Did... I wake you? :/ Aw man! I should’ve just tried to fall asleep and left him be!
Len: *smiles slightly* No, I wasn’t sleeping... but I’m getting sleepy now...
Rin: Ah, alright. Should I... leave you alone now? Sorry, must be bothering you now, right? *turns to leave*
Len: Rin.
Rin: *turns to face him again* Hm?
Len: Come here.
Rin: O///O Uhhh... *steps a few feet closer* Why?
Len: No. Come CLOSER.
Rin: O/////O Ummm.... *steps another few feet so that shes in front of his bed* I-is this close enough?
Len: *sighs and suddenly sits up* You don’t have to be scared of me, Rin. I won’t hurt you, or yell at you...
Rin: *steps back a little bit*
Len: Seriously, I’m not angry at you. Really. So you don’t have to be all “oh no, what if he’s mad at me, maybe I’m bothering him” around me, ok? Come, sit on my bed *scooches so she can sit*.
Rin: Errm... *steps slowly forward and cautiously sits*
Len: *grabs Rin’s hand*
Rin: O///O *tries to pull away*
Len: *Grabs her hand tighter* I told you... you can trust me...
Rin: *relaxes and holds Len’s hand*
Len: Hey, so I’m sorry for acting like I was mad at you... *looks down at the floor and blushes* Oh gosh. WHAT AM I DOING? HOLDING HER HAND LIKE THAT? GAH! Len, you’re watching too many movies...
Rin: *blushes and smiles* As long as you aren’t mad at me, I’m ok :) I just love the feel of his hand... his hand is so strong, and warm... ^///^
Len: Now, Rin. We should go to sleep soon. Goodnight~ :)
*Len gently kisses Rin forehead*
Rin: ^///////^ Len~...
Len: ...o///o what am I doing?!
Rin: *blushes* x3
Len: w-well...go to’s getting late.
Rin: Okay~ Goodnight, Lenny~ ^///^ Sweet dreams~
Len: *blushes* Y-yeah, sweet dreams ^ ^

~However in the middle of the night, as it starts to rain~
Rin: AHHH~! *bolts up from her bed*
Len: *bolts up from his bed too* Rin! Rin, you ok?
Rin: *no answer*
Len: Oh God. Please, let her be ok! Please let it not be some kind of serial killer or... or...
*throws open the divider* RIN!
Rin: *is huddled up in the corner of her bed and is on the verge of crying* L-Len? *looks up with tears glistening in her eyes*
Len: *rushes over to her side and clutches her in an embrace* *whispers in a soothing tone* Rin, what happened? Was it a bad dream?
Rin: *sniffles* Y-yeah... and... it was just... so scary! *shudders*
Len: Shhh~ Its alright, its ok. I’m here for you, Rin. Its ok... *strokes her hair as he murmurs this*
Rin: *wraps her arms around his torso tightly and buries her face in his chest*

~after a few minutes of this~

Len: Now, are you ok, Rin? Can I leave now? *then gets up from her bed and turns to leave*
Rin: No, wait, Len!
Len: *turns back around* Yes?
Rin: I-I don’t want to be alone! P-please! *pleading, desperate eyes*
Len: I could go get Emiko or Katrina, or someone else...?
Rin: No! Don’t leave me alone in this room! *pleading, desperate eyes*
Len: *thinks for a few seconds* We’re... going to be in the same bed... *blushes* *But then looks at Rin’s pleading, desperate, and very frightened face* Ah, how am I going to leave her in this terrified state? And... And its not like we’re going to be... DOING anything... I’m just going to be in the bed with her... sleeping... so its going to be ok...
A-alright. I’ll stay with you, Rin. :) *and gets into her bed*
Rin: Thank you, Len-kun~ *smiles through her tears* *then hugs him*
Len: *is sort of surprised* *then blushes and awkwardly puts an arm around her* Gosh, this is REALLY awkward... before it was less awkward because we were just in the same bed, but now we’re LAYING DOWN too. *sigh* But what can I do? *whispers* ...I hope you really do have sweet dreams, Rin. :)

~the two soon fall asleep, with their arms around each other~

ps. sorry i haven't posted a new roleplay in like forever ^ ^;;
well I hope you liked this new one :D

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Continuation of Poatato Sucking B*%(&# x3

Luka: *looks around to see mostly desert sand and gray* Ulquiorra...where are we?
Ulquiorra: Hueco Mundo.
Luka: H-hue-hueco Mundo?
Ulquiorra: Hueco Mundo...the hollow world.
Luka: Ooh~ Sounds interesting ^ ^ ~~♥
Ulquiora: You’re not afraid? Or terrified?
Luka: Why would I ^ ^ ?
Aizen: *pops out of no where* Ulquiorra! Why have you brought this whore to my lands?
Aizen: Do you not remember? I am Aizen! An incredibly powerful bad ass >:D
Luka: Yes, i unfortunately remember your sad existence. -_- but how dare you call me a whore.
Ulquiorra: *punches Aizen* Don’t you talk about my woman like that! You piece of trash!! >:O
Luka: Holy snap! Ulquiorra what did you do that for?!
Aizen: ugh...Ulquiorra?! How could you?! My most loyal minion besides Tosen!
Tosen: TT.TT the master thinks of me as his most loyal minion. *tears of joy*
Grimmjow: *looks at Tosen as if he’s nuts* I don’t think that’s something to be proud of.
Tosen: Shut up. -__-
Grimmjow: Oi! Emo-boy, what the hell you doin’ back here?
Ulquiorra: Grimmjow. I do not feel like talking to trash like you because trash is gross so I do not wish to associate with trash. trash trash trash.
Nnoitra: WTF? Trash? What’s with him? -_________-
Ulquiorra: Come now woman. We do not need to be in the presence of such dispicable trash.
Aizen: o.o huh? *is utterly confused* Ulquiorra?
Ulquiorra: Trash like you shall call me Cifer.
Aizen: What the F*CK is this? I’m just going to kill him.
Nnoitra: *has his sword in the air ready to swing it at ulquiorra* And why the f*ck not?
Luka: Because he’s moody for some reason, and won’t stop using the word trash ^ ^;; I think something happened to him.
Ulquiorra: *suddenly faints*
Luka: ULQUIORRA!! *puts head on his chest to listen for a heartbeat (emiko’s note: Why doesn’t she just puts her fingers to his neck like a normal person? xD)* Good. He’s still breathing. But he’s heating up. I think he has a fever.
Aizen: Gin. Quickly bring him to Orihime.
Luka: *notices it’s the name of a girl* And why would you send him to this Orihime person? -___-
Aizen: She’s our healer. *pulls out picture of her*
Luka: Grrr... no way.
Nnoitra: Uh....why the f*ck do you have a picture of that orange haired beast?
Aizen: ...I don’t know >.>
Tosen: No need to get jealous, Luka
Luka: are you sure?
Tosen: Yea, why not? I mean he did only feed her everyday when she was forcefully held captive. And might have helped her do hygienic stuff when she refused to.
Luka: WHAT?!?
Grimmjow: *smacks tosen upside the head* Baka! No woman wants to hear that about their mate and another woman.
Luka: m-mate...? *thinks this and twitches eyebrow* Anyways, take me to this Orihime this instance!!
Aizen: Tosen you caused this, so you bring her to Orihime this instance!
Tosen: yes lord-dono. *turns toward Luka* Ulquiorra’s mate, please come with me.
Luka: There they go again. calling me his “mate” *thinks this and does anime sweatdrop action*

Ulquiorra: Ughh... where.. where am I?
Luka: Shhh~ I’m here, don’t worry. You had a high fever and passed out. *pats his arm*
Ulquiorra: Did I... say or do anything,,, unusual?
Luka: Well... what do you mean by unusual? ^ ^;
Ulquiorra: When I get a fever, I usually say weird things. I do not act like myself..
Luka: OOh, uhh.. well... You did say some unusual things ^ ^;
Ulquiorra: Like what?
Aizen: Ulquiorra! Are you feeling well, now? Back to your old-self? Last night you said some pretty unfit words to your master! :T
Tosen: LOL yeah! You called the master “trash” so many times! xD

Aizen: Yes, your vocabulary was... very limited. You said “trash” multiple times in every sentence ._.

Grimmjow: Why are you being so formal all of a sudden, Aizen? Do you do that when you’re feelings get hurt?  [[emiko’s note: xD and why are u being so formal as well grimmjow? no curse words xD]]
Aizen: Of...of.. course not! :/
Nnoritora: Pshhh~ yeah sure. The big old baby is using hard words just so he can seem smart!
Grimmjow: Well atleast its better than saying “f*ck” or “f*cking....” in every sentence.
Nnoritora: You shut the hell up, Cat-boy!
*suddenly Ikuto appears*

Ikuto: And who the hell are you calling a
cat? Hmm? *Character changes and leans in Nnoritorra’s face* ((Rin’s note: for you people who don’t know much about Shugo Chara, in Ikuto’s character change, he grows cat ears and a tail. How cute! :3 xD))

Nnoritora: Where the f*ck did you come from?
Ikuto: Nowhere you need to know of... *flicks tail and cat ears, then smirks mysteriously and bounds away on rooftops* [[emiko’s note: lolz xD how did ikuto come into heuco mundo?]]
Everyone: ….
Nnoritorra: *shaken* Uhh... err.. *ahem* well that young kid’s a odd one. Acts kinda like us...when we’re drunk and not in the mood to be total assholes
Aizen: Nnoritora, you say that everyone who isn’t a complete loser, acts like us... -__-;
Tosen: Wow, he is one cool cat. I wanna be like him! He must get all the girls! :D
Aizen: Tosen, be quiet. We already have a much more powerful  cat: Grimmjow!

Tosen: But not a hotter/cooler cat >3< T.T
Grimmjow: What did you say?! >:o
Tosen: N-nothing! Ehehe ^ ^;
Grimmjow: *sigh* --; Anyway, its the first time Ulquiorra ever called me “trash”... *makes sad puppy dog eyes*  [[emiko’s note: cat making puppy dog eyes xD]]
Ulquiorra: I-I did? O_o
Grimmjow: Yeah... >3< You big meanie! *cough* I mean you’re an asshole >.>
Ulquiorra: I’m sorry... that you’re a piece of trash.
Luka: *thinks: Wow, what a complete change of character for both of them...and he mentioned the word trash again* *anime sweatdrop*
Aizen: Uhh... Grimmjow. He already has a mate... a female mate...
Grimmjow: D:
Luka: Again with the “mate” stuff *another anime sweatdrop*...
But yeah, sorry Grimmjow. I’m his... err... umm...
Tosen: mate :) *finishes the sentence for her*
Luka: Y-yeahh... *anime sweatdrop again!*...
[ No yaoi or gay pairings for Ulquiorra. :) ]
Grimmjow: D: *ahem* I mean, of course! ^//^;
Luka: *mutters* You know you don’t...
Nnoritorra: That b*itch said something! Whaddya say, b*itch?
Luka: I am not a b*tch! >:O
Ulquiorra: Yeah! You be quiet, Nnoritora. *scowls*
Nnoritora: Hmph. Ulquiorra standing up for his women... *has a disgusted look on his face*
Luka: *thinks to herself: Do I really want to stay with Ulquiorra’s crazy Espada friends? -__-; *anime sweatdrop again*

Utau: Ikuto, where the heck were you?
Ikuto: Huenco Mundo.
Utau: Isn’t that where the bastards who kidnapped all of us live?
Ikuto: Yup.
Utau: Why the f*ck would you do that? You could’ve gotten hurt!
Ikuto: Who are you, my mother?
Utau: I’m her daughter. YOUR SISTER. Are you saying I’m not allowed to care about you?
Ikuto: No. I’m saying you need to calm down.
Ritsu: Why’s that?
Mio: Why are you always butting into other people’s business?
Yui: Anyone have any strawberries? And chocolate?
Utau:  *sweatdrop* You came here for food?
Yui: No. I was just following Ricchan.
Ritsu: You’re an airhead.
Yui: I know.
Ritsu: Do you even know what an airhead is?
Yui: No. It sounds like candy, though.
Utau: . . .
Kukai: What?
Utau: You’re an idiot.
Kukai: Can you think of something else?
Utau: . . .
Mugi: *has this face* (when two close people interact, something called Mugi Vision happens. This happened in the anime a few times too. But this pic is fanmade. If you don’t know,  Mugi is the one with the blonde hair.)
Ritsu: Look! A teleporter!
Utau: What do you mean? There’s no such thing-
Ritsu: *presses a button, and everyone in the room gets teleported to Huenco Mundo. I just list the people there: Ikuto, Utau, Kukai, Ritsu, Mio, Yui & Mugi*
Utau: Where- oh, you.
Nnoitra: What the f*ck are you doing here?
Ritsu: You guys know eachtoher?
Ikuto: They hate eachother.
Ritsu: I can see that.
Luka: How’d you guys get here?
Ritsu: This *holds up teleporter. You could say it looks like a remote. Apparently, Ritsu didn’t know how to use it, so she pressed a random button and everyone who was with her got teleported to Huenco Mundo.*
Utau: What the f*ck?
Nnoitra: F*ck you.
Utau: F*ck you too.

~ with Emiko~

Emiko: Where did everyone go? First Luka disappeared. Now everyone else has gone. *goes into camera room xD*

-she sees a bunch of ppl missing, but rewinds some of the video so she could see what happened before. she finds out ppl went to heuco mundo-
-back in Huenco Mundo-

Ritsu: Weird...
Yui: Too bad, Azu-nyan isn’t here.
Mio: This place is. . .
Ritsu: Big?
Mugi: Creepy?
Yui: I think Utau and the spoon guy are really mad at eachother.
Nnoitra: Spoon guy? What kind of a name is that?
Yui: Then should I call you-
Ritsu: Number 5?
Utau: You might as well call him a bastard.
Nnoitra: No! You cannot call me but such a name! You stupid cows >:O
Yui: Cows. *is thinking about milk and ice-cream and Mugi’s cake*
Mugi: Cows?
Ritsu: Cows?!
Mio: COWS?!
Utau: Are you serious. That’s all you’ve got?
Grimmjow: you’re all fucktards -__--
Nnoitra: Yeah, what the cat said!
Yui: I thought Ikuto was the cat.
Grimmjow: Exactly that fail blue person is a cat!! I’m not a cat. I’m a king!!!
Nnoitra: Yea, king of idiots.
Utau: That must be the first time you got something right.
Gin: it appears your men are not cooperating...

~back to Emiko~

Emiko: *realizes they’re in heuco mundo and some how transports there xD*

~back to heuco mundo and stuff~

Emiko: AH HA! I’m here in Heuco Mundo. Everything big and creepy shall fear me. MUAHAHAHA!! >:D
Ritsu: That was a weird entrance.
Emiko: hm..well how else am I supposed to scare off the creepy things? Nobody ever messes with the crazy character, so I must act crazy ^ ^ (Emiko’s note: got that from a movie xD)
Aizen: Not another pest. -__-
Gin: Aizen-sama, we do know these pests. Perhaps we shall treat them with some amount of hospitality?
Aizen: no *is acting like a stubborn child*
Gin: but when you invited Luka-san to Heuco Mundo, what did you think would happen?
Utau: He probably doesn’t even know how to plan ahead.

Aizen: and Gin, why should I treat these simple mortals any kind of hospitality. Especially since they insult my bad ass-yness >3< ?
Luka: Because they are my friends, Baaakaa!
Ritsu: Yeah. If you don’t give us what we want, face my wrath. (just for the sake of the roleplay, Ritsu and Mio are really good fighters)
Nnoitra: is that supposed to frighten me?
Emiko: YES! These people are scary when they get serious.
Yui: You got that right!
Nyu: FEAR ME! FEAR MY AWESOMNESS! (since when were you awesome? xD)
Emiko: How and when did you get here?
Nyu: HOHOHOHO!! >:) And fear my dugtrios! I choose you!
Aizen: O.O talking cat?
Tosen: that was a cat? *can’t see anything* (is blind remember xD)
Nnoitra: what the fuck is a dutrios? =_=
Emiko: ...pokemon apparently.
Grimmjow: pokemon? like poke a mon?
Emiko: it’s my turn to say what the fuck....-_-;; do you even want to poke that guy? xD
Nyu: *Takes out a poop on a stick and attemps to jab Grimmjow with it.*
Grimmjow: ew wtf? don’t poke me with your poop!! >:o *Is trying to doge nyu’s poop stick*
Nyu:Whoops *Poop falls off of the stick and splatters all over Grimmjow.*
Grimmjow: Ew!! >:\
Nnoitra: AHAHAHA you’re covered in shit!!! xD
Emiko: you guys are gross....>~< *walks away*
Nyu:EW. Its a guy with an eye.
Aizen: when did we get cyclops, Tosen?
Tosen: I think it’s what hollow babies look like.
Aizen: That big? (emiko’s note: it’s giant)
Tosen: I guess so Aizen-sama...
Aizen: interesting. Go kill it ^o^
Nyu:Hold on. How does a blind guy know how hollow babies look like?Explain that to me?
Tosen: I can sense the shape and form from its reitsu -_-
Tosen: Cuz i cannot physcally see with my eyes. I can only sense stuff.
Emiko: Meaning you’re bad at “I spy” xD
Nyu:Then you need no eye. =_=
Utau: What the heck is this?
Ritsu: Nyu’s not a mortal! Nyu can shapeshift!
Mio: That wasn’t necessary...
Nyu:GUAHHAHAHHAHAH!*Turns into a Lump pic
Yukina: im a vampire
Emiko: *gasp* how did you get here, Yukina!?
Yukina: i used instant transmission
Ritsu: Instant transmission? What the heck is that?
Emiko: instant transmission; transporting to a place instantly.
Ritsu: Isn’t that like the teleporter that I found?
Mio: She knows how to use instant transmission. You don’t. Which means that you can’t used the teleporter either.
Emiko: where did Luka-chan go by the way?
Gin: I believe she snuck off with Ulquiorra
Emiko: Grrr...that potato sucking bastard stole her again :T
Emiko: Ulquiorra...he stole Luka-chan!! TT-TT we should go save her!! :D
Nyu:Screw that. I go eat pie.
Emiko: where the heck would you get pie? we’re in a stupid desert!
Nyu:*Eats pie*
Emiko: o.O and she still is able to get pie...
Yukina: I want pie!
Emiko: I want a lot of things. But life isn’t fair enough to give them to us...but fortunately I don’t listen to life’s rules :D so I got pie in my bag (magic bag remember ^ ^). *precedes to eat pie w/o sharing xD hohoho)
Nyu:*Procedes to eat Emiko’s bag*
Emiko: NYU STOP EATING MY BAG!! That’s a big NO NO!! >:O
Utau: What the hell are we doing here anyways?
Emiko: We’re supposed to save Luka-chan :T
Utau: She doesn’t seem to need any saving
Emiko: I refuse to let Ulquiorra to argh! I just don’t want him near her >.> he seems weird for some reason.
Ritsu: So what? He seems normaler than the other Espadas
Mio: Normaler isn’t a word.
Ritsu: So what?
Emiko: but he kept saying trash before he kidnapped her D: that’s gotta count for some odd behavior.
Ikuto: So?
Emiko: hmph >3< fine. but I still am interested in finding out about this desert castle. *goes inside las nochas*
Yui: Dessert castle? YUMMY!
Ritsu: She said desert castle. Desert as in sandy, hot places without water.
Yui: Awww! I want cake!
Mugi: *gives Yui cake* Here.
Yui: Thanks, Mugi!
Utau: Does she always carry that around?
Aizen: *notices Emiko entering Las nochas (the desert castle)* HEY YOU! NO ONE IS ALLOWED INSIDE EXCEPT ME AND MY MINIONS!! >:O
Emiko: *ignores Aizen and keeps walking*
Yukina: *finding nothing better to do she follows Emiko inside the caslte*
Gin: *follows because Aizen wanted him to make sure they didn’t break anything*
*everyone else follows them into the castle*
Aizen: TT-TT why doesn’t anybody listen to me? what happened to my authority?
Nnoitra: Stop crying like a pussy and follow everyone.
*so Aizen, Nnoitra, Grimmjow, and Tosen enters the castle as well*
Yukina: Oooh~ *is fascinated by the creepy stuff on the walls, that she is touching everything*
Aizen: could you please not touch everything...>:\ *is starting to get angry*
Utau: What an idiot.
Ritsu: *knocks down a VIP (very important potion) and it spills all over the floor*
Utau: RITSU!
Ritsu: What? I thought you didn’t care about the so called BAMF’s stuff.
Utau: I don’t, but what if that stuff you just spilled-
Kukai: Makes the place explode? That’s just stupid.
*the floor explodes and leaves a big hole*
Emiko: aw~ kukai finished her sentence ^ ^~ *is totally ignoring the giant hole xD*
Mugi: *has activated Mugi Vision and is thinking in a slightly perverted way and now has sparkly eyes* (perverted how? xD like I can think of multiple things, but I’m not sure what . Mugi is thinking. lolz let’s just leave it unknown)
Yukina: *gasp* that’s a big hole. *is peering into it, and accidentally slips and falls in*
Emiko: hm...can we possibly leave my sister there? xD
Utau: Well, we can jump in and-
Kukai: Are you serious?
Ritsu: Hey! Where’s Mio?
Emiko: Then I guess we must go in and save Mio! (totally not mentioning the idea of saving her sister xD)
Yukina: *is now in this hole, and somehow survived*’s dark in here. I can’t see anything.
Mio: This didn’t happen this didn’t happen this didn’t happen this didn’t happen this didn’t happen this didn’t happen-
Yukina: somewhere down here too? who are you?
Mio: Um.... you can say I’m your sister’s friends.............
Emiko: HELLOOO DOWN THERE!! ARE YOU OKAY!!??! *is shouting down the hole*
Mio: R-Ritsu?
Ritsu: YES! IT’S ME!
Emiko: WE ARE COMING TO SAVE YOU!! *is now looking at the people who didn’t fall* so anyone thought of how yet?
Utau: Yukina has an instant transmission thingy. Use it.
Yukina:I’m not a dolt! and yea, I’ll help this Mio person too. *starts the instant transmission process*
Emiko: Hurry it up! We don’t got all day.
Aizen: What have you done to my castle!?!? >:O
Tosen: ...damn now I have to fix this. *starts to fix the floor*
Emiko: Wait, baka. People are down there.
Tosen: *is apparently deaf as well, and didn’t hear her. so he continues to fix the floor*
Yukina: *her instant transmission was blocked by the newly fixed floor, and cannot use her power anymore*
Yukina:*uses her fire power to burn the floor above.*
Tosen: *gets burned by the fire ball Yukina blasted* GAHHH!! *loses an
Yukina: Thats what you get for trapping us *Telports to the ground above*
Yui: *hugs Mio* Yay!! You’re back!!!!!
Mio: . . .
Emiko: took you long enough to save Mio, you dolt! (is apparently in a mean mood with her sister xD don’t know why. possibly grumpieness?)
Yukina: ow! meanie >3< I’m not a dolt and i didn’t have to help this Mio person.
Yui: That means you’re the meanie!
Yukina: Well i don’t even now this Mio person
Utau: If you were hired for community service, you’d probably get kicked out five seconds later because you refused to help someone you didn’t know.
Yukina: well why would I be doing community service :P I have no time for that.
Yui: Not even a part time job?
Yukina: My dad pays for all of that. hmph *does a stuck up snobby head turn thingy*
Emiko: Ha! I can’t believe you depend on our stupid dad. -_- (dad=rido btw xD)
Utau: What a failure. She needs to do things for herself, instead of depending on others. Who knows when someone could turn agaisnt you.
Emiko: eh- she’ll learn. So far I’ve been making her do my cleaning as a way to help her with this problem. ^ ^  (and not just because my maid went on vacation for a bit xD) she has improved on this selfish problem of hers since then :)
Ritsu: So she was worse before?
Ikuto: Well, there are people worse than that.
Utau: Much worse.
Yui: If she’s that selfish, maybe you shouldn’t give her cake anymore. That’ll teach her a lesson!
Yukina: then i’ll get it myself
Emiko: Now Yukina, you know that’s not right.
Yukina: I don’t care (emiko’s note: apparently my sister is rebellious xD)
Emiko: ugh whatever. Let’s just get out of here!
Emiko: *glares deathly glare at Aizen*
Aizen: *is slightly scared, but still pretends to be “tough”*
Emiko: Hmph, yes. Let’s leave. I do not wish to be in a place where I’m apparently not welcomed. *leaves*
Gin: Now Aizen-sama, do you think that was very nice?
Aizen: Who says I’m nice? >.>
Nyu:Ah! Look! A Donut shop! WEEE *Flies over to the random shop in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of a desert.*
Emiko: *follows Nyu* ^ ^;; so much for me leaving.
-Unfortunately, the whole Donut shop was eaten by Nyu the Lump before Emiko even got there. But fortunately, Nyu had her fill. :D-
Emiko: NYU!!! I wanted some yummy sprinkle donuts >:( why you such a pig?And you even ate my bag. Why would you even eat it, you crazy woman!..  (XD)

~weird black hole thingy appears above the group, and sucks them in~
Nyu:*Folds arms* Screw this hole. Its dark. And creepy. smells? like..uh...something really rotten....
Yukina:*lights a stick with a fire ball to make light*
Emiko: focus on how we get out...
Nyu:Where’s Luka?
Emiko: With Ulquiorra >.>
Yui: What is this? A black hole?
Ritsu: There are no black holes on Earth, or anywhere near it. This is probably a portal taking us to another dimension.
Utau: Dimwit! That doesn’t make any sense!
Yukina: Neither do you.
Emiko: I’m still bothered Luka-chan isn’t here. I swear she’s doing something drastically insane at the moment. I can just feel it.
Mio: you feel it? o.o
Yukina: Through woman intuition. Duh.
Emiko: I guess. but I like to call it my leek-y senses.
Utau: You just like using the word “leek” everywhere; don’t you? -__-
Emiko: Yes! :D
Utau: -__-;; Why am I not surprised by that answer?  (Emiko’s note: note- thoughts are in italics. ^ ^)
Emiko: Now, I shall go look for Luka-chan. You guys try and find an exit.
Nyu: nom nom nom *is still eating what’s left of the donut shop* (Emiko’s note: pig >.> ...xD)

~with Luka~

Luka: Where are we going, Ulqui~ ?
Ulquiorra: To my quarters. (monotone)
Grimmjow: What the fuck is up with the way you talk?! Can’t you just say “your room”? -___-
Ulquiorra: trash like you wouldn’t understand. because trash don’t know how to behave like a proper gentlemen in front of ladies like Luka. which has to do with why you’re trash. trash trash trash.
Grimmjow: wtf -__-
Luka: ^ ^ you’re roome?! :D ooh~ what are we going to do there?
Grimmjow: I better not be apart of this “we”. >:\
Luka: aw~ but Grimmjow-kun, it would be more fun if you were to join *evil/devilish grin* (Emiko’s note: *is totally grossed out*)
Grimmjow: o.o;; uh...
Ulquiorra: . . . .if it’s what you want. *is surprisingly willing to do what Luka wishes*
Luka: Uh...^ ^;; it was just a joke.

*SLAP* [a dramatically loud slap i mean.]

Ulquiorra: trash like you shouldn’t use such like trashy language around non-trash people. because you’re trash trash trash!!
Grimmjow: that hurt! *sniffle* why would you do that!?! D:<
Ulquiorra: trash. please, come with me in this dark confined space for a moment. we need to
Luka: Why does he call a closet a dark confined space? o.o;;
Grimmjow: o-okay...

*the two espada men walk into the “dark confined space”*

Luka: uhhh....o.o I wander what they’re going to do in there.

*AHHHHHHHH!!! ~ NO! NO! NOOOO! ~ UGHAHH~~~!!* (Emiko’s note: lmfao xD idk how to do sound affects)

Luka: O///////O holy shit! are they...?! OMG!! >///////< *has bad/pervy thoughts*

*Ulquiorra comes out of the closet looking normal*

Luka: What happened?! I heard strange noises!!
Ulquiorra: He had to be punished.
Luka: Punished how?

*Grimmjow comes out looking all flustered and sweaty xD*

Luka: O_O What happened to you!?
Luka: OMFG! DON’T CRY GRIMMJOW!!! D: it’s very unbecoming, and not very appropriate.
Grimmjow: This idiot just RAPED ME!!! *points at Ulquiorra*
Luka: Ulqui. Why would you do *pause* that?
Luka: Stop crying Grimmjow ^ ^;;. Here have some cake and tea.
Grimmjow: *smacks it out of Luka’s hands*
Luka: Oh, right. You probably want booze and cake instead :D
Grimmjow: *drinks the booze, but tries to throw the cake at Ulquiorra, but he dodged it*
Ulquiorra: stop lying you piece of trash. I didn’t rape you.
Grimmjow: TT~TT yes you did!!!
Ulquiorra: I only fiercely abused you with various janitor items in the confined space we were in.
Luka: wtf o.o ..j-janitor items? (ex. mops, brooms, buckets, etc.)
Ulquiorra: …. -.- only to humiliate you and strip you of your dignity.
Luka: hm...sounds like a good way to do that *is basically agreeing that stripping someone of clothes is good way to humiliate them* (Emiko’s note: Please do not try that at home!!)
Ulquiorra: besides, don’t blame me that you became all flustered and felt pleasure because you’re a masochist. -______-
Grimmjow: H-how did you know that?!?!??!
Luka: SO IT’S TRUE!!??!  OAO
Ulquiorra: Because all trash are like that. (Emiko’s note: very stereotypical)
Luka: ^ ^;; uh....
Grimmjow: >/////////< shut up! *runs away*
Luka: he...he ran away o.o

~ back to Emiko~

Emiko: Where the hell is Luka?!? *Emiko sees a teared-up  Grimmjow running past her*
Grimmjow: *sniffle sniffle*  stupid ulquiorra. stupid ulquiorra. *repeats the phrase as he’s running*
Emiko: Wait! GRIMMJOW!!
Grimmjow: *ignores Emiko* (Emiko’s note: How rude >3<)
Emiko: hm..well he came from that Luka must be in that direction ^ ^ *starts walking down the hallway*

~Eventually Emiko finds Luka~

Emiko: LUKA!!! There you are!!!
Luka: huh? :3
Emiko: Come back home!
Luka: Okay.
Emiko: I will not take no for an answer, you butt- oh you're okay with that?
Luka: Yea
Emiko: Great :D
Luka: but Ulquiorra gets to come too :D Emiko: Dx why? he's such a potato su-
Luka: Say "sucking bastard" and I'll kill you!
Emiko: o.o
Luka: So, deal? Emiko: okay x)
Luka: Good.
Emiko: Yay! Luka-chan is coming back :D
~They somehow find their way back home from Heuco Mundo~

Emiko: eh, Luka, what did you do to Grimmjow-kun? :3 he was crying...
Luka: It's because Ulquiorra raped him xD
Emiko: LOLOLOL XDD ....wait what?! O.o

The End

Yes I'm going to end here xD.