There is a semi-new original character coming to the roleplay :D! This original character is semi-new because I already sort of talked about her in the character page. The new character shall be called, Yukina. (I mentioned her as my sister in the character page). If you are intrigued by this Yukina person, then go check out the "Detailed Description of Our Characters" page.
Also, she might not be appearing in any soon to come roleplays because since she is so new, we have not written much about her in stories. So you just have to be patient :D
Furthermore, go check out the "Pictures of Us" page because I have added pictures of Yukina there as well. I have also included some new pictures of Nyu-san too :D. I realized Nyu didn't have any pictures of herself displayed, so I decided to add some ^ ^. However, I have more pictures of Nyu, but there would be too many if I added them all, so I'll show them to you here :3
Lolz the first picture is of Yoshimori -from Kekkaishi- holding Nyu-san in her cat form :D. I find it so cuuute~. ^ ^ Nyu-san looks happy ^ ^. It makes sense that Yoshi (short for Yoshimori) would be holding Nyu-san because they're friends. Nyu-san likes Yoshimori's cake. She likes any type of cake really. xD she's famous for her love of food.
The second picture is of Nyu-san in a cat hoodie. She is currently transformed as a guy as you can see. For those of you who don't read Chinese, it says "CAT". In my opinion, Nyu-san did a good job on this picture. The cat hoodie is just so adorable ^o^! I wish I had one xD.

The last, but certainly not least picture of Nyu-san is of her in yet another male transformation. I think this is of her in casual clothing while eating pocky. A lot of pokcy at once if you ask me xD.
Well that's it for the extra pictures of Nyu-san. If you want to see the other go to the "Pictures of Us" page. And remember, to go check out the information about Yukina-chan. Go check it out now! . . .why are you still reading this?! Go! :D
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