Emiko: *goes into a secret door with plate of strawberries* Nom nom nom...
~a room full of cameras are revealed.~
Setsuna: *comes into the camera room* Wow. I almost couldn’t find the door. then again you did give me a pretty screwed up map -_-;;
~a room full of cameras are revealed.~
Setsuna: *comes into the camera room* Wow. I almost couldn’t find the door. then again you did give me a pretty screwed up map -_-;;
![]() |
Emiko's terrible map xD |
Emiko: Nom nom nom.. Yea that's true. Anyways, I improved the camera room. If I press on the selected button, I can hear whatever is going on inside the room. Sigh~ but I recently found out that it’s illegal to put cameras in the bathrooms, so that place is safe from my creepyness.
Setsuna: okay.... *is somewhat disturbed by his wife's weird actions*
-with Nyu-
Nyu: *yawn* I’m bored....
*Ring ring ring*
Nyu: What?
Emiko: What kind of greeting is that?
Nyu: What do you want? -.-
Emiko: I think you should come over to my house ^ ^
Nyu: No friken way.
Emiko: ): why not?
Nyu: because you’re weird.
Emiko: D: that’s so mean.
Nyu: bye *hangs up
Emiko: How dare she hang up on the all mighty me!
-with Kaito and Kukai-
Kukai: Kaito?
Kaito: Yes?
Kukai: What do you do when you’re jealous.
Kaito: Is this about Utau and Satoya?
Kukai: O////O NO! W-what w-w-would give you t-that idea?..
Kaito: Nothing. Anyways, when I get jealous I eat ice cream
Kukai: -___-;; ice cream?
Kaito: yup and then once I’m drunk on ice cream I go complain to the girl.
Kukai: Why?
Kaito: because complaining is fun.
Kukai: Really?
Kaito: Of course not idiot! You don’t complain to them. You go tell Utau -er whoever this girl is, and tell her how you feel.
Kukai: O///o I can’t do that!!
-Emiko in her camera room-
Emiko: ^w^ ooh. Kukai confessing his love. That sounds interesting. :3 I shall create a plan...
Setsuna: okay.... *is somewhat disturbed by his wife's weird actions*
-with Nyu-
Nyu: *yawn* I’m bored....
*Ring ring ring*
Nyu: What?
Emiko: What kind of greeting is that?
Nyu: What do you want? -.-
Emiko: I think you should come over to my house ^ ^
Nyu: No friken way.
Emiko: ): why not?
Nyu: because you’re weird.
Emiko: D: that’s so mean.
Nyu: bye *hangs up
Emiko: How dare she hang up on the all mighty me!
-with Kaito and Kukai-
Kukai: Kaito?
Kaito: Yes?
Kukai: What do you do when you’re jealous.
Kaito: Is this about Utau and Satoya?
Kukai: O////O NO! W-what w-w-would give you t-that idea?..
Kaito: Nothing. Anyways, when I get jealous I eat ice cream
Kukai: -___-;; ice cream?
Kaito: yup and then once I’m drunk on ice cream I go complain to the girl.
Kukai: Why?
Kaito: because complaining is fun.
Kukai: Really?
Kaito: Of course not idiot! You don’t complain to them. You go tell Utau -er whoever this girl is, and tell her how you feel.
Kukai: O///o I can’t do that!!
-Emiko in her camera room-
Emiko: ^w^ ooh. Kukai confessing his love. That sounds interesting. :3 I shall create a plan...
-With the other people-
Ritsu: Well........... I think that we should go up to Amu and tell her that the prank was Satoya’s idea.
Utau: That doesn’t save me.
Azusa: Just tell her the truth.
Yui: Ricchan, you look cute with your hair down.
Ritsu: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Did Emiko have to pull down my headband?
Rima: We’ve been playing BS for an hour, and nobody won yet.
Nagi: Maybe that’s because we’re both good liars.
Rima: … I guess you’re right.
-later that night- ( Emiko's note: btw, Kukai and Utau shares a room in Emiko's house because Emiko demanded it, and they were semi-forced. ;D)
Kukai: Are you ever going to go to sleep?
Utau: What kind of a question is that?
Kukai: A stupid one?
Utau: . . . Can I ask you a stupid question?
Kukai: Go ahead.
Utau: Are you.... uh.... areyoujealousofSatoya? (Katrina's note: I put all of the words together on purpose) [Emiko's note: reminder- Satoya= guy friend of Utau <-- I think he's an original side character created by Katrina-chan. Not sure though ^ ^;;)
Kukai: What?! I am not jealous of him!
Utau: Wellllll........ Ritsu said that-
-in the other room-
Yui: S-sorry.....
-back to where Utau and Kukai were-
Kukai: . . . And that’s my answer. Don’t believe half the things Ritsu says.
Utau: That explains everything. Not. Now tell me the truth.
Kukai: Um... It’s just that you’ve been hanging out with him a lot....-
Utau: Thus you’re jealous of him.
Kukai: I never said that!
-in the other room-
Ritsu: Denial. He’s in denial that he’s jealous.
-back to where Utau and Kukai were (A/N: Don’t worry, Ritsu will barge into the room sooner or later.)
Utau: So?
Ritsu: *barges into the room* So he’s in denial about the fact that he’s jealous?
Kukai: Oh, great.
Yaya: *walks into the room* :P You’ve been cornered.
Utau: That sounded wrong.
-with Emiko-
Emiko: *spits out a suspicious drink out* Woah. That was...wow,
-with the others-
Kukai: uh...
Ritsu: We all know you’re jealous, so admit it!
Amu: you’re so... demanding.
Utau: You’re taking up air, leave.
-with Emiko-
Emiko: Oh, I so gotta be apart of this. *walks out of the room*
-With luka-
Luka: *whistles and sees Emiko* EMIKO!
Emiko: What?!
Luka: I need more tuna.
Emiko: So.
Luka: Get me more TUNA!!
Emiko: I’m busy!!!
Emiko: Oh look it’s creepy emo goatman! *points behind her*
Luka: WHERE?! *looks around*
Emiko: *ran away*
Luka: *looks at empty tuna bowl.* :’(
Emiko: *pushes door down* Kukai and Utau!!
Kukai: Yes?
Utau: What?
Emiko: *pulls them away*
Yaya: Where is Emi-tan taking them?
Amu: You never know with that girl.
Kukai: …..
Kukai: Um. Emiko?
Emiko: *stops suddenly and causes them to trip* Yes?
Kukai: What are you doing?
Emiko: You’ll see. ;D
-eventually Emiko takes them to a random door they’ve never seen before (my house is so big that they haven’t seen most of it; only the main rooms.)-
Utau: Where the hell are we?
Kukai: What’s behind the door?
Emiko: *opens door and pushes them in*
Utau&Kukai: *falls into the room and tries to get out*
Emiko: *locks the door* Now you two stay in there for awhile.
Utau&Kukai: *Looks around the room*
-the room is relatively small compared to most of the rooms in the house. It’s about the size of three of your bathtubs put together. There’s a small light hanging from the ceiling, and a twin sized bed with no sheets or blankets in the corner.-
Utau: I have a bad feeling of what she’s trying to do -___-;;
Kukai: ^ ^;; well Emiko does like to mess with other people’s affairs.
Utau: *rubs arms* it’s kind of cold in here.
Kukai: *breathes and can see his breath*
Kaito: *sees Emiko standing near the door with a key in hand* Emiko, what are you doing?
Emiko: Nothing ^ ^
-the two start walking away-
Kaito: Did you do anything in that room?
Emiko: no..
Kaito: Good, because remember ghosts do appear there every once in awhile.
Emiko: uhn... *zoned out and not paying attention. she’s too busy thinking about Setsuna*
Setsuna: yo, what’s up you two?
Emiko: SETSUNA!! <3~ ^w^ *hugs him*
Setsuna: Emiko! :D What’s up?
Emiko: Nothing much. ^ ^
Ritsu: *sees Emiko* Emiko! What did you do with Utau and Kukai?
Emiko: Just gave them some alone time :)
Setsuna: What did you do this time -.- ?
Emiko: Nothing...
-back to other people-Ritsu: *runs to who knows where and bumps into Luka*
Luka: What was that for?!
Ritsu: *out of breath* Sorry.
Luka: It’s okay. Now why are you running around like that?
Ritsu: Emiko is crazy.
Luka: We all know that.
Ritsu: No, I mean that she- she- she’s a perv!
Luka: That’s obvious too.
Ritsu: She locked Kukai and Utau in this weird room.
Luka: . . . . . . . What the hell is she trying to do? *Runs off to find Emiko*
Ritsu: *runs after Luka* My point exactly!
Utau: What the hell is this?
Kukai: She has gone crazy...
Utau: You just realized it? Stupid....
*Ritsu is banging on the door while Luka is looking for Emiko*
Ritsu: HYAH!!!!!!!!!! *attempts to break the door down, but fails* Owwwwwww!!!
Utau: She probably hid the key under the doormat.
Ritsu: *looks under doormat* Nope. No key here.
Kukai: She probably took it with her.
Utau: Thank you, Captain Obvious.
RItsu: You were the one who suggested to look under the doormat!
Utau: ….........
Luka: What was that for?!
Ritsu: *out of breath* Sorry.
Luka: It’s okay. Now why are you running around like that?
Ritsu: Emiko is crazy.
Luka: We all know that.
Ritsu: No, I mean that she- she- she’s a perv!
Luka: That’s obvious too.
Ritsu: She locked Kukai and Utau in this weird room.
Luka: . . . . . . . What the hell is she trying to do? *Runs off to find Emiko*
Ritsu: *runs after Luka* My point exactly!
Utau: What the hell is this?
Kukai: She has gone crazy...
Utau: You just realized it? Stupid....
*Ritsu is banging on the door while Luka is looking for Emiko*
Ritsu: HYAH!!!!!!!!!! *attempts to break the door down, but fails* Owwwwwww!!!
Utau: She probably hid the key under the doormat.
Ritsu: *looks under doormat* Nope. No key here.
Kukai: She probably took it with her.
Utau: Thank you, Captain Obvious.
RItsu: You were the one who suggested to look under the doormat!
Utau: ….........
-with Emiko-
Emiko: *skipping through the hallways of her maze like mansion* La la la~
Kaito: Hey, where’s Utau and Kukai?
Emiko: *stops suddenly* >.> ….I....don’t know....Maybe in the kitchen?
Kaito: I’ll go check.
Emiko: I wonder how those two love birds are doing ^ ^ *starts walking to the suspicious room*
~in the room with Utau and Kukai~
Utau: sigh~ what are we going to do?
Kukai: I don’t know.
unknown thing: Uhhhggnn.....
Utau: What was that?
unknown thing: bleahumm....
Kukai: I-i don’t know.
Unknown thing: I am a ghoooost~
Utau: >~< ghost are creepy! *clutches onto Kukai*
Kukai: O/////////////O *totally liking Utau touching him xDD*
Nyu and the gang (gang = Ed, Al, Winry, Yoshi, and Tokine):BOO! :B
Utau & Kukai: GAAAAA!!!
Emiko: *appears at the door*
Ritsu: EMIKO! Unlock them now! I hear them screaming.
Emiko: Ok *unlocks door*
GANG:GRAA!!!! *Makes a creepy face*
Ritsu: AHHH!!
Emiko: Oh, hey you guys ^ ^. What’s up? What you doing at my mansion this lovely night? You want to stay over?
Nyu:Nothing really. And no. We will not stay over.
Ritsu: They just popped out of no where and you ask them to stay over?!?!
Emiko: When life gives you lemons....invite them over?
Kukai: I think you got that wrong..
Nyu:I’ll give you cake in exchange for your life :D Yoshi will make the cake. He makes really good cany castles *Drools*
Emiko: That’s stupid. How can I eat the cake if you take my life?! > < And you call me the idiot. Psh! But I will take the cake anyways and keep my life :) Yoshi-kun, please make me cake! ^ ^
Nyu: Eat cake and die :D
Emiko: No thank you. I want to eat more then just one cake before I die. So I’ll decline that offer.
Nyu:Then you can eat Tonkine’s cake. Tonkine makes bad cake :D
Tokine: I DO NOT!
Nyu:Yoshi bad teacher.
Emiko: >~< No. I want Setsuna-sama to make me cake :)
Ritsu: *goes over to Utau and Kukai* Are you guys okay?
Utau: No -____- I am not okay. I’m surrounded by idiots!
Kukai: Hey, I’m not stupid!
Utau: I mean them! *points at “gang” and Emiko*
Ritsu: Who votes we get out of here?
Kukai: I second vote!
Utau: Let’s just go
Ed:Nope! (Uses alchemy and seals the door)
Emiko: Let these nice people go.! *whacks Ed on the head* When did you become so mean?! >:\
Al: Don’t mind my Big Bro. He just as a short temper.
Emiko: *skipping through the hallways of her maze like mansion* La la la~
Kaito: Hey, where’s Utau and Kukai?
Emiko: *stops suddenly* >.> ….I....don’t know....Maybe in the kitchen?
Kaito: I’ll go check.
Emiko: I wonder how those two love birds are doing ^ ^ *starts walking to the suspicious room*
~in the room with Utau and Kukai~
Utau: sigh~ what are we going to do?
Kukai: I don’t know.
unknown thing: Uhhhggnn.....
Utau: What was that?
unknown thing: bleahumm....
Kukai: I-i don’t know.
Unknown thing: I am a ghoooost~
Utau: >~< ghost are creepy! *clutches onto Kukai*
Kukai: O/////////////O *totally liking Utau touching him xDD*
Nyu and the gang (gang = Ed, Al, Winry, Yoshi, and Tokine):BOO! :B
Utau & Kukai: GAAAAA!!!
Emiko: *appears at the door*
Ritsu: EMIKO! Unlock them now! I hear them screaming.
Emiko: Ok *unlocks door*
GANG:GRAA!!!! *Makes a creepy face*
Ritsu: AHHH!!
Emiko: Oh, hey you guys ^ ^. What’s up? What you doing at my mansion this lovely night? You want to stay over?
Nyu:Nothing really. And no. We will not stay over.
Ritsu: They just popped out of no where and you ask them to stay over?!?!
Emiko: When life gives you lemons....invite them over?
Kukai: I think you got that wrong..
Nyu:I’ll give you cake in exchange for your life :D Yoshi will make the cake. He makes really good cany castles *Drools*
Emiko: That’s stupid. How can I eat the cake if you take my life?! > < And you call me the idiot. Psh! But I will take the cake anyways and keep my life :) Yoshi-kun, please make me cake! ^ ^
Nyu: Eat cake and die :D
Emiko: No thank you. I want to eat more then just one cake before I die. So I’ll decline that offer.
Nyu:Then you can eat Tonkine’s cake. Tonkine makes bad cake :D
Tokine: I DO NOT!
Nyu:Yoshi bad teacher.
Emiko: >~< No. I want Setsuna-sama to make me cake :)
Ritsu: *goes over to Utau and Kukai* Are you guys okay?
Utau: No -____- I am not okay. I’m surrounded by idiots!
Kukai: Hey, I’m not stupid!
Utau: I mean them! *points at “gang” and Emiko*
Ritsu: Who votes we get out of here?
Kukai: I second vote!
Utau: Let’s just go
Ed:Nope! (Uses alchemy and seals the door)
Emiko: Let these nice people go.! *whacks Ed on the head* When did you become so mean?! >:\
Al: Don’t mind my Big Bro. He just as a short temper.
Nyu: *ties Ed up with a rope.*
Emiko: *pats Al on the head* You’re so nice Al ^ ^. *glares at Ed -__-* Unlike your short brother over there. AH HAHAHA! *mocks him by laughing and points at his poor tied up state*
Nyu: *Wacks and knocks Emiko out* Well, you leaving or wat? *Alchemy the door open*
Setsuna: NYU?! You cannot do that to Emiko!! >:( *carries Emiko away bridal style*
Nyu:*Knocks Middle Eastern Farmer out.* =D One more victim
Kaito: NYU! ...nice one xD *and has joey-bill carry them out* eheheh *agrees with Nyu and nervously laughs in order not to get knocked out*
Joey-Bill: Nyu -____- you make my work harder.
Nyu: Be grateful. You get more pay. (*OHOHOH* in the background.)
Emiko: *pats Al on the head* You’re so nice Al ^ ^. *glares at Ed -__-* Unlike your short brother over there. AH HAHAHA! *mocks him by laughing and points at his poor tied up state*
Nyu: *Wacks and knocks Emiko out* Well, you leaving or wat? *Alchemy the door open*
Setsuna: NYU?! You cannot do that to Emiko!! >:( *carries Emiko away bridal style*
Nyu:*Knocks Middle Eastern Farmer out.* =D One more victim
Kaito: NYU! ...nice one xD *and has joey-bill carry them out* eheheh *agrees with Nyu and nervously laughs in order not to get knocked out*
Joey-Bill: Nyu -____- you make my work harder.
Nyu: Be grateful. You get more pay. (*OHOHOH* in the background.)
Joey-Bill: ...-__- That still doesn't make up for the heavy lifting and extra work I have to do.
Nyu: OHOHOHOHO *continues laughing like Santa Claus; completely ignoring Joey-Bill*
Joey-Bill: Sigh~ -.- *continues taking Setsuna and Emiko back to their room*
:D This is the conclusion for this week's story. I hope you enjoyed reading it ^ ^. Kukai didn't really confess, but he came close to right? I think that's what counts xD.
BTW EMIKO IS A "Middle Eastern Farmer"? Gosh be more creative... but then again... you are rich...