Wah ha! Guess what people~? We are now going to include characters from the anime, Hetalia, in our roleplay :D. Who's excited!? *crickets chirp chirp* Aww~ Come one, some of you have gotta be Hetalia fans. Right? *cickets chirp chirp* .....
lolz just kidding :D I believe Hetalia is quite popular. No? Yes? Ah whatever~. Anyways, like I said various characters from Hetalia shall now be included to the roleplay. I have already put some pictures of them in our "Picture of Us" page. <-- this type of information would usually come in a "Update" type entry. But~ I just realized I FORGOT TO POST A STORY ON SATURDAY!!! Shame on meh TT^TT /shot OTL. *withers away into dust for being so shameful* Haha X) nah~ I didn't die. So you guys still have to deal with me ;P.
Also, go check out the "Detailed Description of Our Characters" page, there has been some edits to Katrina-chan's family section. ^ ^~
Okay, so here is the usual update. Read and enjoy :D
In some far away place- I mean the world conference building (wherever that is)
*most of the people seem to be arguing and not realizing that they’re at a world conference. MOST OF THE PEOPLE NOT ALL*
*almost everyone else comes up with an excuse to leave*
N. Italy: Don’t leave me!~ *runs after everyone else*
Canada: *is the only one left in the room* Nobody ever notices me........
Mr. Kumajiro: (A/N: He’s a polar bear) Who are you?
Canada: I’m Canada. Even Mr. Kumajiro doesn’t remember me TT_TT
*later on*
Canada: Stupid weather channel, it never said anything about rain. *slips on a puddle, slams his head into a pole and falls unconscious*
*five minutes later*
Ritsu: Why did it have to start raining out of nowhere?!
Yui: Who’s that? *points to a guy she found unconscious* Ooh! Look! A fluffy, white teddy bear! Let’s bring them to Emiko’s house!
Mio: Is she out of her mind?
Utau: And have another innocent person live in Emiko’s hell hole?
Mugi: Yui’s right. Let’s bring them to Emiko’s house.
Azusa: . . .
Ritsu: It’s better than leaving them here.
-so they end up dragging Canada and Mr. Kumajiro to Emiko’s mansion. When Canada woke up, he was surprised at what he saw*
Yui: *hugging Mr. Kumajiro* Soooo cute!!!!!
Mr Kumajiro: . . . Who are you?
Yui: I’m Yui! And The girls over there who are arguing are Mio and Ricchan. The one bringing in the cake is Mugi. The one playing guitar over there is Azu-nyan. And the one that’s playing around with her phone is Utau.
Canada: Where am I?
Yui: In Emiko’s mansion.
Canada: This seems.... odd. I’m in a room with a bunch of girls I don’t know.
Ritsu: He’s awake?
Utau: No shit, sherlock.
Canada: She’s pretty. Wait, what am I thinking? She probably has a boyfriend...(A/N: I know, that was out of character.)
Azusa: What are we gonna tell Emiko when she comes in?
Emiko: *comes in with katrina-chan :3*
Everyone except Emiko and Katrina: O.O ….
Yui: Emiko! How nice to see you :D …. *is trying to fail-ly block Emiko’s sight of Canada*
Emiko: Hi. I need you to do some some errands. Is that okay with you? *totally doesn’t notice Canada*
Yui: *is confused as to why Emiko doesn’t say anything about the two strangers but keeps talking* O-okay. What kind of errands?
Emiko: Come with me now please ^ ^ I shall tell you.
Yui: s-suure. . . *follows Emiko*
~With the people in the room~
*most of the people seem to be arguing and not realizing that they’re at a world conference. MOST OF THE PEOPLE NOT ALL*
*almost everyone else comes up with an excuse to leave*
N. Italy: Don’t leave me!~ *runs after everyone else*
Canada: *is the only one left in the room* Nobody ever notices me........
Mr. Kumajiro: (A/N: He’s a polar bear) Who are you?
Canada: I’m Canada. Even Mr. Kumajiro doesn’t remember me TT_TT
*later on*
Canada: Stupid weather channel, it never said anything about rain. *slips on a puddle, slams his head into a pole and falls unconscious*
*five minutes later*
Ritsu: Why did it have to start raining out of nowhere?!
Yui: Who’s that? *points to a guy she found unconscious* Ooh! Look! A fluffy, white teddy bear! Let’s bring them to Emiko’s house!
Mio: Is she out of her mind?
Utau: And have another innocent person live in Emiko’s hell hole?
Mugi: Yui’s right. Let’s bring them to Emiko’s house.
Azusa: . . .
Ritsu: It’s better than leaving them here.
-so they end up dragging Canada and Mr. Kumajiro to Emiko’s mansion. When Canada woke up, he was surprised at what he saw*
Yui: *hugging Mr. Kumajiro* Soooo cute!!!!!
Mr Kumajiro: . . . Who are you?
Yui: I’m Yui! And The girls over there who are arguing are Mio and Ricchan. The one bringing in the cake is Mugi. The one playing guitar over there is Azu-nyan. And the one that’s playing around with her phone is Utau.
Canada: Where am I?
Yui: In Emiko’s mansion.
Canada: This seems.... odd. I’m in a room with a bunch of girls I don’t know.
Ritsu: He’s awake?
Utau: No shit, sherlock.
Canada: She’s pretty. Wait, what am I thinking? She probably has a boyfriend...(A/N: I know, that was out of character.)
Azusa: What are we gonna tell Emiko when she comes in?
Emiko: *comes in with katrina-chan :3*
Everyone except Emiko and Katrina: O.O ….
Yui: Emiko! How nice to see you :D …. *is trying to fail-ly block Emiko’s sight of Canada*
Emiko: Hi. I need you to do some some errands. Is that okay with you? *totally doesn’t notice Canada*
Yui: *is confused as to why Emiko doesn’t say anything about the two strangers but keeps talking* O-okay. What kind of errands?
Emiko: Come with me now please ^ ^ I shall tell you.
Yui: s-suure. . . *follows Emiko*
~With the people in the room~
Katrina: *notices Canada* …. *just stares at him*
Canada: ...why is she staring at me?
Utau: Hahaha xD that idiot didn’t notice we dragged in two strangers
Canada: why do people never notice me :( *mumbles quietly to him self*
Katrina: Who is this guy?
Canada: I’m Canada...
Katrina: Canada? o.O like the country?
Canada: I am the country.
Ritsu: Huh?!
Canada: have you taken me captive? do you want to take over Canada?
Azusa: N-no...
Utau: sure. world domination could always start with Canada
Ritsu: You’re crazy! x) *throws pillow at Utau*
Utau: Oh no you didn’t! *hits Ritsu back with pillow*
~Pillow fight starts to happen and feathers fly all over the place~
Canada: *takes cover under the desk with Mr.Kumajiro* Why are these girls so hyper?
Mr. Kumajiro: ….. Who are you?
Canda: I’m Canada D:
Katrina: *crawls under table as well next to Canada* Sorry, they’re a lil’ crazy :\
Canada: I-it’s okay. ...she’s talking to me o.o. she notices me...Somebody notices me! *has goofy grin*
Mr. Kumajiro: ….
Katrina: What a cute bear :) *pets it on head gently*
Mr. Kumajiro: Who are you..? (author’s note: apparently that’s all he can say xD)
Katrina: I’m Katrina (: who are you?
Mr. Kumajiro: Mr. Kumajiro
Katrina: That’s nice
~Silence takes over between the three under the table as they watch the pillow fight~
Yui: *comes into the room* What’s going on?! :O
Everyone: *stops and looks at Yui*
Utau: Well I’m about to hit the crap out of Ritsu with this pillow.
Ritsu: *glares at Utau*
Azusa: We’re having a pillow fight.
Yui: And you didn’t invite me? D:
Utau: You were busy :T
Emiko: *comes into the room as well* You have to clean this up yourselves you know *points to all the pillow feathers on the floor*
Utau: Why can’t your servants do it? >:O
Emiko: Because my servants shouldn’t have to clean up such an unecessary mess.
Utau: Pft, whatever >.>
Emiko: *notices Katrina under the table and goes toward her* Katrina-chan what are you doing under there?
Katrina: Well I wa-
Emiko: Oh my god!! :D What a cuute~ lil’ bear!! *cuts katrina off in mid sentence and picks up the bear and starts hugging it*
Mr. Kumajiro: Who are you?
Emiko: It can talk :D *doesn’t notice Canada*
Katrina: Emiko. Emiko. Emiko!
Emiko: *stops cooing over the bear* Yes, Katrina-chan? :)
Katrina: Can Canada use your bathroom to clean up?
Canada: *notices he’s kinda messy from falling into some mud when he fell*
Emiko: Who?
Katrina: Canada. The guy standing right here *points to Canada*
Emiko: Oh! I didn’t notice you ^ ^;;. So sorry. And sure, you can use my bathroom. I’ll have someone prepare you an extra set of clothing as well :3
Canada: T-thank you. that girl didn’t notice me...why don’t people ever notice me? :(
~So Canada cleans himself up and goes to Emiko’s main dining room~
Katrina: *sees Canada* Canada!
Canada: *hears Katrina and looks in her direction* Katrina-san.
Katrina: Hi :) I’m glad you could stay for the meal.
Canada: Emiko-san kind of forced me *sweatdrop*
Emiko: Okay Canada here is your extra pair of clothes, no need to return them later okay?
Canada: O-okay. Thank you...
Emiko: Now after you’re done, come to my dining room for dinner. Here’s a map.
Canada: No I can’t. I really should be going.
Emiko: You should eat. Have a meal before you leave. My chefs are wonderful.
Canada: I really shouldn’t *sweatdrop*
Emiko: -.- you’re eating! *demanding scary tone*
Canada: ‘~’ o-okay...
End of Flahsback
Katrina: ^ ^;; yea Emiko is kind of like that. You’ll get used to it.
~Canada and Katrina walk into the dining room together chatting about various things~
Emiko’s dining room has a large long table. The walls were a magnificent blue, and a beautiful crystal chandler that lit the entire room hanging above. When Canada and Katrina arrived, there were already a bunch of people seated and awaiting food.
Setsuna: Psst.. Emiko who is that?
Emiko: um...I don’t remember ...o.o
Setsuna: You got to stop inviting random people, Emiko!
Emiko: But Setsu-kun he was all muddy, and it’s rude to make him leave on a hungry stomach D:
Setsuna: Sigh~ you still shouldn’t invite people to stay so easily. I swear one of these days, you’re going to accidentally invite some kind of serial killer.
Yaya: What’s a cereal killer? How do you kill cereal?
Emiko: Setsu-kun~ *whines* I have other reasons too.
Setsuna: And what is that?
Emiko: *whispers* Katrina-chan seems to be talking to him a lot.
Setsuna: So?
Emiko: wah~ Setsu-kun! *smacks him on the head* Don’t you get it?
Setsuna: ow! *rubs head* no I don’t.
Emiko: *whispers again* I think Katrina-chan and Canada might become very nice friends.
Setsuna: But Katrina-san already has friends.
Emiko: Gaah~! Whatever.
Setsuna: Sigh~ woman >.>
Emiko: *glares* -.-
Setsuna: sorry? *sweatdrop*
Nyu: Where’s the god damn food?! *bangs knife and fork on table*
Emiko: Calm down Nyu! >:O
Nyu: No! >:D
Emiko: ^ ^;;
Nyu: Why are your servants so slow? >:O
~The two of them continue to bicker~
Canada: She’s scary …
Katrina: Nyu can be a lil’ er..odd sometimes, but she’s okay once you get to know her.
Canada: really?
Nyu: *bangs on table more* FOOOOOD~!!! RAWR! *turns into dragon*
Emiko: Turning into a dragon will only make things worse, Nyu! Now change back!
Nyu: *breathes fire on Emiko*
Emiko: *blocks it with plate*
Nyu: *continues to breathe fire at Emiko*
Emiko: Nyu! Stop it! The food is here! :O
Nyu: Fire!! hohohohohohoho!! >:D *keeps pointlessly breathing fire at Emiko*
Emiko: *throws tomato into Nyu’s throat*
Nyu: Gagucadhcu *chokes on tomato and turns back into human form*
Luka: Tomatoes :D !! *throws tomatoes as well*
Amu: Hey! You just made my shirt a mess!! >:V *throws mash potatoes at Luka*
Kukai: FOOD FIGHT~!!! >:D *throws corn cob at Utau*
Utau: You crazy idiot! *throws pie at kukai*
~food is being thrown everywhere. basically, everyone is acting like a bunch of hosers.~
Canada: *ducks under the table*
Katrina: *follows Canada under the table*
Canada: I told you she’s scary >~<
Katrina: ^ ^;; yea she kinda is.
~back to the food fight~
Emiko: Take that Nyu! *throws food at nyu*
Nyu: *catches food in mouth* Muahahaha >:D you can’t get me!
Everyone: *throws tons of food at Nyu all at once*
Nyu: *turns into lump and now has a huge mouth* Hahahaha!
Ulquiorra: *shoves potato in his own face*
Luka: Ulqui~ don’t do that :3 *wipes potato off*
Ulquiorra: trash. potato is trash. *points angrily at it*
Luka: Ulqui~ you can’t call something trash when you smashed it into your own face. *sweatdrop* It’s a good thing he’s cute >.> ...
~back to under the table~
Canada: Montster >~<
Katrina: It’s okay. Nyu >.> is just odd... *awkwardly pats him on the head to confort him?*
~ door burst open~
America: Canada I’m here to rescue you and be the hero! >:D
Britain: America! You can’t just go bursting through doors!
France: Oh Britain, let the kiddies have their fun. :D
Britain: Shut up France!
France: *goes to sulk in corner* Why does nobody like meh? D:
Italy: Pasta~!
Germany: No, Italy. We’re not here for pasta *face palm*
Japan: ….
~Under the table~
Katrina: Do you know those people?
Canada: y-yes. They came to save me? o.o
~back to other people not under the table~
America: Give back Canada!
Emiko: Hey you! You can’t just go bashing through my door! I just got that fixed when I did that yesterday!
America: Where is Canada!
Britain: Stop trying to be the hero and stop to ask civilly?
America: I act like the hero because I am the hero! >:D
Canada: *comes out from under the table* I’m here you guys.
Everyone: *continues to bicker and not notice Canada*
Canada: They’re looking for me..and they still don’t notice me...
Cuba: America! There you are! *starts smacking Canada*
Canada: I’m not America. I’m Cana-
Cuba: Be quiet America! *smack smack smack*
Emiko: All of you get out of my house!
Utau: * gasp * Emiko not letting people stay in her house? It’s miracle!
Emiko: >3< they’re wrecking my stuff!
America: Oooh~! Hamburgers! *picks it off the floor and starts to eat it*
Britain: That is just revolting
America: *nom nom nom*
Britain: >.o
Emiko: Shoo!
Nyu: Hahahaha. you suck :P
Emiko: Nyu shut up!
France: Oh ho ho! Lookie. I have found Canada.
Canada: *waves hi awkwardly* …
America: Canada *mumbles with mouth full of food* There you are.
Emiko: Eww :P chew with your mouth closed
Nyu: Nom nom nom *smacks mouth around so food can be seen and flies all over the place just to annoy Emiko*
Emiko: >:O Nyu! Bad kittie! Bad! No good kittie! *smacks with broom*
~back to Hetalia people~
America: Canada~! :D We found you!
France: Oh ho ho! I say you are wrong there America! I, France, had found Canada.
America: Whatever. I’m still the hero :D
Britain: The hero of what?
America: Anyways, Canada we need you to come and cook us Canadian bacon for dinner. Come with us now!
Canada: O-okay. Is that all they needed *sweatdrop*
Katrina: W-wait.
Canada: Yes, Katrina-san?
Katrina: y-you can call me Katrina..
Canada: Katrina.. o////o
Katrina: W-will you come to visit again soon?
Canada: I don’t know..
Japan: I think Canada and I will need to be doing some business together soon, so he could probably visit then?
Canada&Katrina: Really? *sparkling with happieness*
Japan: I believe so.
America: Hurry up Canada!
Italy: Eh, Germany~ why uh are those to sparkling? :3
Germany: I don’t know Italy. Now hurry up we must catch up with Japan.
Italy: But what about the pasta?!
Germany: No pasta. =_=
Italy: But we must get the pasta, no?
Germany: We’ll get some when we go home >:\
Italy: Yay~! :D
~the Hetalia people leave and wait for Canada in the car/plane/w.e.~
Canada: w-well I guess this is good bye?
Katrina: ah choo! *sneezes*
Canada: Oh, it’s cold out here. *gives her his jacket*
Katrina: T-thank you ^/////^ What is this fuzzy feeling?...
Canda: See you later Katrina :) this girl notices me! ^////^
Katrina: Yea, see you later :)
Canada: *runs to the car because America already forgot and was about to drive off* Wait for me~!! D:
Emiko: katrina! Come back inside! You’ll catch a cold~ if you don’t!!
Katrina: eh, Coming! *runs inside*
Canada: ...why is she staring at me?
Utau: Hahaha xD that idiot didn’t notice we dragged in two strangers
Canada: why do people never notice me :( *mumbles quietly to him self*
Katrina: Who is this guy?
Canada: I’m Canada...
Katrina: Canada? o.O like the country?
Canada: I am the country.
Ritsu: Huh?!
Canada: have you taken me captive? do you want to take over Canada?
Azusa: N-no...
Utau: sure. world domination could always start with Canada
Ritsu: You’re crazy! x) *throws pillow at Utau*
Utau: Oh no you didn’t! *hits Ritsu back with pillow*
~Pillow fight starts to happen and feathers fly all over the place~
Canada: *takes cover under the desk with Mr.Kumajiro* Why are these girls so hyper?
Mr. Kumajiro: ….. Who are you?
Canda: I’m Canada D:
Katrina: *crawls under table as well next to Canada* Sorry, they’re a lil’ crazy :\
Canada: I-it’s okay. ...she’s talking to me o.o. she notices me...Somebody notices me! *has goofy grin*
Mr. Kumajiro: ….
Katrina: What a cute bear :) *pets it on head gently*
Mr. Kumajiro: Who are you..? (author’s note: apparently that’s all he can say xD)
Katrina: I’m Katrina (: who are you?
Mr. Kumajiro: Mr. Kumajiro
Katrina: That’s nice
~Silence takes over between the three under the table as they watch the pillow fight~
Yui: *comes into the room* What’s going on?! :O
Everyone: *stops and looks at Yui*
Utau: Well I’m about to hit the crap out of Ritsu with this pillow.
Ritsu: *glares at Utau*
Azusa: We’re having a pillow fight.
Yui: And you didn’t invite me? D:
Utau: You were busy :T
Emiko: *comes into the room as well* You have to clean this up yourselves you know *points to all the pillow feathers on the floor*
Utau: Why can’t your servants do it? >:O
Emiko: Because my servants shouldn’t have to clean up such an unecessary mess.
Utau: Pft, whatever >.>
Emiko: *notices Katrina under the table and goes toward her* Katrina-chan what are you doing under there?
Katrina: Well I wa-
Emiko: Oh my god!! :D What a cuute~ lil’ bear!! *cuts katrina off in mid sentence and picks up the bear and starts hugging it*
Mr. Kumajiro: Who are you?
Emiko: It can talk :D *doesn’t notice Canada*
Katrina: Emiko. Emiko. Emiko!
Emiko: *stops cooing over the bear* Yes, Katrina-chan? :)
Katrina: Can Canada use your bathroom to clean up?
Canada: *notices he’s kinda messy from falling into some mud when he fell*
Emiko: Who?
Katrina: Canada. The guy standing right here *points to Canada*
Emiko: Oh! I didn’t notice you ^ ^;;. So sorry. And sure, you can use my bathroom. I’ll have someone prepare you an extra set of clothing as well :3
Canada: T-thank you. that girl didn’t notice me...why don’t people ever notice me? :(
~So Canada cleans himself up and goes to Emiko’s main dining room~
Katrina: *sees Canada* Canada!
Canada: *hears Katrina and looks in her direction* Katrina-san.
Katrina: Hi :) I’m glad you could stay for the meal.
Canada: Emiko-san kind of forced me *sweatdrop*
Emiko: Okay Canada here is your extra pair of clothes, no need to return them later okay?
Canada: O-okay. Thank you...
Emiko: Now after you’re done, come to my dining room for dinner. Here’s a map.
Canada: No I can’t. I really should be going.
Emiko: You should eat. Have a meal before you leave. My chefs are wonderful.
Canada: I really shouldn’t *sweatdrop*
Emiko: -.- you’re eating! *demanding scary tone*
Canada: ‘~’ o-okay...
End of Flahsback
Katrina: ^ ^;; yea Emiko is kind of like that. You’ll get used to it.
~Canada and Katrina walk into the dining room together chatting about various things~
Emiko’s dining room has a large long table. The walls were a magnificent blue, and a beautiful crystal chandler that lit the entire room hanging above. When Canada and Katrina arrived, there were already a bunch of people seated and awaiting food.
Setsuna: Psst.. Emiko who is that?
Emiko: um...I don’t remember ...o.o
Setsuna: You got to stop inviting random people, Emiko!
Emiko: But Setsu-kun he was all muddy, and it’s rude to make him leave on a hungry stomach D:
Setsuna: Sigh~ you still shouldn’t invite people to stay so easily. I swear one of these days, you’re going to accidentally invite some kind of serial killer.
Yaya: What’s a cereal killer? How do you kill cereal?
Emiko: Setsu-kun~ *whines* I have other reasons too.
Setsuna: And what is that?
Emiko: *whispers* Katrina-chan seems to be talking to him a lot.
Setsuna: So?
Emiko: wah~ Setsu-kun! *smacks him on the head* Don’t you get it?
Setsuna: ow! *rubs head* no I don’t.
Emiko: *whispers again* I think Katrina-chan and Canada might become very nice friends.
Setsuna: But Katrina-san already has friends.
Emiko: Gaah~! Whatever.
Setsuna: Sigh~ woman >.>
Emiko: *glares* -.-
Setsuna: sorry? *sweatdrop*
Nyu: Where’s the god damn food?! *bangs knife and fork on table*
Emiko: Calm down Nyu! >:O
Nyu: No! >:D
Emiko: ^ ^;;
Nyu: Why are your servants so slow? >:O
~The two of them continue to bicker~
Canada: She’s scary …
Katrina: Nyu can be a lil’ er..odd sometimes, but she’s okay once you get to know her.
Canada: really?
Nyu: *bangs on table more* FOOOOOD~!!! RAWR! *turns into dragon*
Emiko: Turning into a dragon will only make things worse, Nyu! Now change back!
Nyu: *breathes fire on Emiko*
Emiko: *blocks it with plate*
Nyu: *continues to breathe fire at Emiko*
Emiko: Nyu! Stop it! The food is here! :O
Nyu: Fire!! hohohohohohoho!! >:D *keeps pointlessly breathing fire at Emiko*
Emiko: *throws tomato into Nyu’s throat*
Nyu: Gagucadhcu *chokes on tomato and turns back into human form*
Luka: Tomatoes :D !! *throws tomatoes as well*
Amu: Hey! You just made my shirt a mess!! >:V *throws mash potatoes at Luka*
Kukai: FOOD FIGHT~!!! >:D *throws corn cob at Utau*
Utau: You crazy idiot! *throws pie at kukai*
~food is being thrown everywhere. basically, everyone is acting like a bunch of hosers.~
Canada: *ducks under the table*
Katrina: *follows Canada under the table*
Canada: I told you she’s scary >~<
Katrina: ^ ^;; yea she kinda is.
~back to the food fight~
Emiko: Take that Nyu! *throws food at nyu*
Nyu: *catches food in mouth* Muahahaha >:D you can’t get me!
Everyone: *throws tons of food at Nyu all at once*
Nyu: *turns into lump and now has a huge mouth* Hahahaha!
Ulquiorra: *shoves potato in his own face*
Luka: Ulqui~ don’t do that :3 *wipes potato off*
Ulquiorra: trash. potato is trash. *points angrily at it*
Luka: Ulqui~ you can’t call something trash when you smashed it into your own face. *sweatdrop* It’s a good thing he’s cute >.> ...
~back to under the table~
Canada: Montster >~<
Katrina: It’s okay. Nyu >.> is just odd... *awkwardly pats him on the head to confort him?*
~ door burst open~
America: Canada I’m here to rescue you and be the hero! >:D
Britain: America! You can’t just go bursting through doors!
France: Oh Britain, let the kiddies have their fun. :D
Britain: Shut up France!
France: *goes to sulk in corner* Why does nobody like meh? D:
Italy: Pasta~!
Germany: No, Italy. We’re not here for pasta *face palm*
Japan: ….
~Under the table~
Katrina: Do you know those people?
Canada: y-yes. They came to save me? o.o
~back to other people not under the table~
America: Give back Canada!
Emiko: Hey you! You can’t just go bashing through my door! I just got that fixed when I did that yesterday!
America: Where is Canada!
Britain: Stop trying to be the hero and stop to ask civilly?
America: I act like the hero because I am the hero! >:D
Canada: *comes out from under the table* I’m here you guys.
Everyone: *continues to bicker and not notice Canada*
Canada: They’re looking for me..and they still don’t notice me...
Cuba: America! There you are! *starts smacking Canada*
Canada: I’m not America. I’m Cana-
Cuba: Be quiet America! *smack smack smack*
Emiko: All of you get out of my house!
Utau: * gasp * Emiko not letting people stay in her house? It’s miracle!
Emiko: >3< they’re wrecking my stuff!
America: Oooh~! Hamburgers! *picks it off the floor and starts to eat it*
Britain: That is just revolting
America: *nom nom nom*
Britain: >.o
Emiko: Shoo!
Nyu: Hahahaha. you suck :P
Emiko: Nyu shut up!
France: Oh ho ho! Lookie. I have found Canada.
Canada: *waves hi awkwardly* …
America: Canada *mumbles with mouth full of food* There you are.
Emiko: Eww :P chew with your mouth closed
Nyu: Nom nom nom *smacks mouth around so food can be seen and flies all over the place just to annoy Emiko*
Emiko: >:O Nyu! Bad kittie! Bad! No good kittie! *smacks with broom*
~back to Hetalia people~
America: Canada~! :D We found you!
France: Oh ho ho! I say you are wrong there America! I, France, had found Canada.
America: Whatever. I’m still the hero :D
Britain: The hero of what?
America: Anyways, Canada we need you to come and cook us Canadian bacon for dinner. Come with us now!
Canada: O-okay. Is that all they needed *sweatdrop*
Katrina: W-wait.
Canada: Yes, Katrina-san?
Katrina: y-you can call me Katrina..
Canada: Katrina.. o////o
Katrina: W-will you come to visit again soon?
Canada: I don’t know..
Japan: I think Canada and I will need to be doing some business together soon, so he could probably visit then?
Canada&Katrina: Really? *sparkling with happieness*
Japan: I believe so.
America: Hurry up Canada!
Italy: Eh, Germany~ why uh are those to sparkling? :3
Germany: I don’t know Italy. Now hurry up we must catch up with Japan.
Italy: But what about the pasta?!
Germany: No pasta. =_=
Italy: But we must get the pasta, no?
Germany: We’ll get some when we go home >:\
Italy: Yay~! :D
~the Hetalia people leave and wait for Canada in the car/plane/w.e.~
Canada: w-well I guess this is good bye?
Katrina: ah choo! *sneezes*
Canada: Oh, it’s cold out here. *gives her his jacket*
Katrina: T-thank you ^/////^ What is this fuzzy feeling?...
Canda: See you later Katrina :) this girl notices me! ^////^
Katrina: Yea, see you later :)
Canada: *runs to the car because America already forgot and was about to drive off* Wait for me~!! D:
Emiko: katrina! Come back inside! You’ll catch a cold~ if you don’t!!
Katrina: eh, Coming! *runs inside*
So referring back to the title, could this be the blossoming of a new found love? \o/
What will become of Canada and Katrina-chan?
and what possible business would Japan have for Canada?
But most imporantly! Am I going to get any pasta?!
*Dun Dun DUN!!*
eh heh heh ^ ^;; lolz *fails to be dramatic*