Sunday, November 27, 2011

Two One Shots

lol so I haven't updated in like forever. Terribly sorry ^ ^;;...been a bit busy...
Anyways, today's roleplay story will be just two short, one shot stories :) one by me and the other by Katrina-chan. 
Enjoy~ ;D
Emiko's Short Story~

Emiko: Setsuna-kun~~
Setsuna: Yes, Emiko?
Emiko: I LOVE YOU~ <3
Setsuna: okay...
Emiko: what do you mean “okay”?! >:O
Setsuna: er- I mean I love you too ^ ^;;
Emiko: that’s not good enough now! :O
Setsuna: What do you want me to do....?
Emiko: hmm~ take me somewhere nice x). NO WAIT! I want to drive a gundam :)
Setsuna: erm...don’t break it okay?
Emiko: Okay~ :D

~Setsuna gets Emiko a gundam to drive and Emiko gets inside~

Emiko: yay! :D
Setsuna: Okay to go left press this. To go right push this. To go straight flick this. To go back squeeze this.
Emiko: LOL xD what’s with these weird buttons? And those adjectives sound so wrong~ x]
Setsuna: …^ ^;; yea....I thought we promised to never talk about that again.
Emiko: heheh x) i can’t help it~ that night was fuuunn. How could I not talk about it? (xDD lol i feel like being pervy today)
Kaito: *pops his head in* What are you two doing?
Emiko: :D Ice cream! I want some!
Kaito: Okay~ *hands Emiko ice cream*
Emiko: *liiiickkk~* yummy ^ ^

~Emiko accidently got a dropped the ice cream and it got all over the gundam’s control pannels~
Setsuna: Emiko... -.-;;
Emiko: Gomen nasi! > <

~the door of the gundam suddenly shut closed. Which in result made Setsuna, Kaito, and Emiko trapped inside~

Emiko: oh no! what happened? :O
Kaito: p-poor ice cream TT^TT bwaaaaaah *is now crying* Setsuna: crap...

~The gundam then starts to activate itself~

Kaito: what’s with the flashing lights?

Setsuna: The gundam is going into auto pilot mode! and I can’t stop it.

~The gundam then precedes to shoot at Nyu’s apartment, Luka-chan’s mansion, Rin-chan’s house, and Katrina-chan’s home~

Kaito: ….it’s destroying our friends houses...
Setsuna: Emiko did you preset things before the gundam started?
Emiko: yesh :3
Setsuna: what did you preset the stuff too?
Emiko: To destroy our friends’ houses :3
Kaito: WHY?!
Setsuna: …....=.=
(emiko’s note: xDD hahaha apparently setsuna’s the only stable minded person here)
Emiko: ….um....Enter! Exit! Emiko-chan! :D *does the little dance/hand motion for it xD*
Setsuna: Don’t change the subject *is trying to hold back his laughter xD* Damn, why is she so cute? > < (emiko’s note: haha xD i dont think i look cute doing the enter/exit thing, i just want Setsuna to think so x3)
~Emiko then eventually preceds to explain why she wanted to explode everybody’s houses~

Emiko: This should be obvious :V.
Kaito: Tell meh anyways~

Emiko: I like everyone living in my house, so to resolve the issue of you people having your own homes already, I blew your living space up ^ ^
Nyu: WTF?!? 
Luka: What if I was still in there?!
Rin: What about our stuff? TT^TT Len: what about our dog? and cat? and hamster? and 10 gold fishes? and parrot? and..*lists like 10 other species xD* (emiko’s note: i’ve decided that in my “perfect world” where i get whatever i want, Len and Rin loves animals and has tons of them xD their house is like a zoo. just because~ no special reason as to why I wanted this xD)
Nyu: damn you got a lot of pets...
Len: be quiet! :P
Emiko: Don’t worry, I made sure all your stuff was moved into my house before I exploded your homes  ^ ^
Luka: Well you’re lucky that we weren’t in there! Emiko: But I made sure to get a hold of your schedules for the day just in case.

~Everyone ends up living in Emiko’s house like she wanted and happily ever after...for Emiko at least ^ ^ ~

Katrina's Short Story~
The world was perfect-ish. There was no starvation, or war, or national debt, or animal abuse, or crazy storms. There were only three problems, that really didn’t matter. Or did they?
1. France going around molesting people (and not getting along with England)
2. Nyu and Emiko didn’t seem to get along.
3. Norway still hated Denmark. Or pretended to. Yeah, he pretended to. Don’t ask why, though.

Prussia: I AM AWESOME! *plays something on Azusa’s guitar*
Umi: I AM AWESOMER! *plays something even better on Azusa’s guitar*
Azusa: That’s my guitar................
Amu: Umi is high on ice cream......... again................
Kaito: Ice cream? I want some!
Yui: Yeah!
Yaya: ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Annie: ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *eats ice cream and is now high on sugar*
Conner: Annie! You’re high on sugar again! Oh well, Imma get a cheeseburger! Lady Rima, do you want one?
Rima: Why thank you!
Conner: How about you, Onii-san?
Nagi: No, thank you.
Yui: NO, THANK YOU! *plays this song: *
Ritsu: Wow! Your voice sounds just like Mio!
Yui: That’s because Mio was singing!
Ritsu: Where is she?
Conner: I don’t know!
Ritsu: I wasn’t asking you...........
Denmark: The question sounded like it was directed at everyone.
Norway: Shut up. You’re annoying.
Denmark: I see...........
Nyu: The fck? You were insulted and you don’t care?
Iceland: He’s oblivious. That’s all.
Nyu: Weird. And immature.
Denmark: Immature?! I’m the elder brother-
Norway: Screw you!
Denmark: *sweat* You want to screw me?
Norway: *strangles Denmark* You. Are an IDIOT!
Conner: Hey! A chess game! I wanna watch! *watches Lithuania and Poland play chess*
Lithuania: I’ve got you trapped.
Poland: It’s okay, I’ll just activate-
Lithuania: No.
Poland: YES! I ACTIVATE POLAND’S RULE! IT’S MY TURN FOREVER! *starts moving all of the pieces around randomly* Swabambambambambambambambambam!
Lithuania: This isn’t chess anymore! You’re just pitting my pieces against eachother!
*Katrina gets an odd sense of de ja vu:*

THE END! you know why? CUZ I FEEL LIKE IT
LOL Poland.