Sunday, September 4, 2011

That Potato Sucking *%&#*@!!

Luka: Thank you for not eating the food ^ ^
Aizen: …...
Gin: *smiles creepily* You know this will come with a price.
Luka: o____O....a price?
Aizen: *licks his lips lustfully* yes...a price
Luka: ...what kind of price?
Aizen: Luka, you shall come to Heuco Mundo with us.
Luka: is that it?
Aizen: What do you mean?
Luka: I thought you’d rape me or something.
Aizen: -____________- I wouldn’t take Ulquiorra’s woman. That’s just gross.
Gin: *snikers*
Luka: What do you mean that’s gross?!?! >:O
Aizen: …...
Grimmjow: Ugh! So are you coming to Heuco Mundo or not?! *trying to change the subject*


Luka: hmmm....*is very tempted by that offer*
Emiko: *walks into the kitchen* Hi you guys. What are you doing?
Gin: we have stopped eating your food.
Emiko: really? thanks ^ ^
Grimmjow: It tasted like crap anyways. *is pissed off that his crispy munchies were taken away*
Emiko: >:\ your crap.
Grimmjow: What did you say B*ITCH!?!
Emiko: Oh? Do I have to draw you a picture?

Grimmjow: Whore.
Emiko: *slaps him* hmphf. *crosses arms and turns away*
Gin: Now now you two stop it.
Aizen: *cough cough* so before I was so RUDELY interrupted. what is your answer luka?
Emiko: Why do you say her name without an honorific?
Aizen: What?
Emiko: Luka-san
Aizen: why the f*ck would I do that?
Emiko: because it’s the right thing to do!
Aizen: Anyways, Luka what’s ur answer.
Emiko: Ugh. your annoying.
Grimmjow: *flips Emiko off/middle finger*
Emiko: whatever. *goes to get snacks and leaves while sticking her tongue out at everyone*
Aizen: so what is your answer?
Luka: um...uh....
Gin: today please.
Luka: okay ^ ^ I’ll go to Heuco Mundo.
Grimmjow: not another woman. >.>
Luka: -____-;; *decides to let that go*
Aizen: Great! That’s wonderf-
Luka: *interrupts aizen* BUT only if Ulquiorra comes with ^ ^
Aizen: Oka-
Luka: *cuts him off again* AND if I get to share rooms with him, or at least in the room next to his.
Aizen: Sure. That’s fin-
Luka: Also-
Aizen: *cuts luka off* STOP INTERRUPTING ME!! this was not a part of my plan -___-
Luka: ^ ^;; sorry

Gin: So you’re coming?!
Luka: Yes ^ ^ I’ve always wanted to see the place where Ulquiorra lives.
Ulquiorra: *comes into the kitchen* oh, so there you are. I’ve been looking for you.
Luka: Guess what?!
Ulquiorra: What?
Luka: I’m going back to Heuco Mundo with you!
Ulquiorra: What?!
Luka: I’m. Going. Back. To. Heuco Mundo with you!
Ulquiorra: You can’t!
Luka: huh?!

Ulquiorra: You may not come to Heunco Mundo because I’m afraid that Nyu will come as well....
Nyu: Correct...:D
Luka: Is that the only reason?!
Ulquiorra: no. I am also afraid that she will eat all of our food.
Nyu: correcto!
Luka: But I don’t care. I’ll kill Nyu....>.> if I have too.

Nyu: I dare you *stares*
Luka: Okay, so maybe I won’t kill her. But I will come one way or another!
Nyu: XD and I’ll hitch a ride~
Ulquiorra: Sigh~ Okay, so maybe Nyu isn’t the only reason why you shouldn’t come. *whispers into Luka’s ear* I’m afraid Nnoitra is quite the perverted sex crazy man.
Nyu: =_= cut him down.
Emiko: *comes into the kitchen because the Shugo Charas wanted more popcorn and Nyu took to long to get it* What’s going on here? You better not be doing anything weird in MY KITCHEN!!!!
Luka: What the hell are you thinking about?
Emiko: ….nothing....
Luka: Okay, Ulquiorra, I’m going to Huenco Mundo with you!! I don’t care what you say.
Ulquiorra: I’m staying here, that’s why I want you to stay. I want you to stay with me.
Emiko: Awww~ ^ ^ …..*everything registers through her mind* WAIT! WHAT!!?!? YOU WERE GOING TO LEAVE ME TO GO WITH GOATMAN TO SOME DESERT WASTE LAND?!?!!?!? do some stuff =D
Emiko: -_____-;;..... that’s gross Nyu.
Nyu: Hey! I never said anything gross! All I said was that they needed to do something...=_=
Emiko: But with that face, I know you’re thinking something wrong!
Luka: You want me to stay with you?! :3 *talking to goatman*
Ulquiorra: Of course. You fill this hole in my neck
Emiko: I think you mean heart...
Ulquiorra: No i mean hole *points to hollow hole*
Emiko: …...okay then.. >.>
Nyu: Smokkerrr XD... (Emiko's note: ...Idk where nyu came up with that >.>)
Luka: You guys are ruining the moment!! > <
Nyu:...and if you think it in the left 4 dead way, then hes got a long tongue! Smoker!
Luka: Go.Away. -___-
Emiko: I don’t think you could call him a smoker, Nyu. You’re imagination is too big...>.>
Ulquiorra: …..Anyways, Luka, please stay...with me..
Aizen: No Ulquiorra, You must come back to Huecno Mundo with us!
Grimmjow: I kinda like it here. Even though it’s smaller, Emiko’s house pwns.
Nyu: "Smoker, he's gonna have to use that tongue to choke my foot out of his ass." Get it?
Emiko: What? No..
Nyu: Smokers in L4D...=_=
Emiko: Oha, I get it now! :D L4D is awesome.
Tosen: *thoughts* the romantic mood in the air is now gone. (a/n: apparently he’s a romanticist) *has a bored look on his face*
Setsuna: I can read your mind! ((X3))
Tosen: Oh Shit!
Setsuna: i have to agree man. Now everything is just wacky, and no story plot.
Emiko: Setsuna! *hugs him* When did you get back?
Setsuna: Well, Celestial Being doesn’t need me at the moment.
Emiko: Yay! ^ ^
Aizen: Ulquiorra *holds out hand to him like some weirdo trying to do something mystical* ((xD))
Yoshi and Ed: *>.>*Wtf?
Aizen: Because *breath* I am *breath* your *breath* father *breath* ! *Darth Vader sound*
Tokine : Is he hyperventilating?
Emiko: Is he trying to be darth vader?
Winry: Well..hes failing at the moment...
Ulquiorra: No Aizen has a breathing disorder that has to do with something about him being super powerful. I don’t know.
Al: Well...I am a suit of armor and I didn’t need to breath. I can understand your problem buddy :D
Aizen: I don’t need your sympathy -.-- fool with weak reitsu. (a/n: even though Al is quite powerful, Aizen is a butterfly with too much power and thinks everyone is weak.hes a wierdo.)
Emiko: That was mean! D:

Ulquiorra: *whispers to Luka* You want to ditch these weirdos?
Luka: Hell yes!
-they disappear-

Nyu: *notices the couple leaving and follows*
Emiko: Setsuna~ ^ ^ *is too busy hugging Setsuna to notice*
Aizen: *is too busy insulting Al about his armour to care*

Ed: *is too busy killing Aizen for making fun of Al*
Yoshi: *too busy talking to Tokine...*
Tokine: *is too busy thinking about why the hell Yoshi is talking to her*
Winry: *chasing Ed and wacking him instead.*
Al: *is too busy whining about Aizen hitting him*

-back to the point of the couple leaving. They’re now in one of Emiko’s many hallways...alone ...or so they thought......-

Ulquiorra: Luka. Please stay with me here in this human world, and grow old ...wait I can’t grow old because I’m already a *cough* okay, that’s too complicated, But you know what I mean. *is holding both of her hands in his romanticly staring deep into her eyes*
Nyu: *thoughts* Im watching you  (scary O_O)
Luka: Oh, Ulquiorra *weird lovey dovey voice* Of course I will. We can live in my mansion across the street.
Ulquiorra: You own a house?
Luka: Of course I do! What did you think I live in a box!?!
Ulquiorra: Um...well everyone always sleeps here. I thought Emiko sheltered all of you.
Nyu:*tape records the whole thing*
Luka: you dummy~. She forces us to stay here because of some weird problem she has.
Ulquiorra: That makes sense...

-back to Emiko and stuff-

Emiko: Huh? *notices that people are missing* Ne, Setsuna. *tugs on his shirt like a little kid*
Setsuna: Yes, Emiko?
Emiko: Nyu-san, Luka-chan, and that goatman is missing. I mostly worried about Nyu missing. She likes to go around a scratch up my couches with her claws. Which is annoying as hell > <
Setsuna: They can take care of themselves.
Emiko: I guess so...
Aizen: Anyways, I am a badass and I say that Ulquiorra should stay. Wait. Where is Ulquiorra?
Emiko: O.O Um..he went to the bathroom? *has a feeling that she should cover for him for some reason*
Yoshi: *Goes with the flow* Yea, he went number 1
Aizen: Okay. That is most explainable.
Emiko: Uh...yea... *thoughts* Yoshi is weird. Did he really have to say that? xD
Aizen: So do you commoners want to see my bad assy butterfly mode?
Kaito: Sure ^ ^
Emiko: KAITO! you’re suppose to say no.
Tokine: EW! Bugs! *Sees cockroaches and stuff*
Emiko: I will kill them! *pulls out leek* HI YA! *squishes them with leek*
Yoshi: NOOO!! You could have used that for a delicious cake~ Now it’s ruined~ TT.TT What a waste.

Kaito: How do you make a cake out of veggies. >~<
Yoshi: I’m a professional :) i can make cake out of anything~
Tokine: Thats why i dont like you
Yoshi: ToT wat!!
Emiko: poor Yoshi~

-back to Luka and stuff-

Luka: Ulquiorra~ You are the goat to my man. (goat+man=goatman. suppose to be romantic)
Ulquiorra: Luka~ I less then three you.
Luka: ...huh? o.o
Ulquiorra: I less then three you. *uses his sword to carve what he means into the wall* ((I <3 you))
Nyu: OMG that’s Emiko’s wall. She’ll be pissed. HOHOHOHO!!Luka: I love you too~~!!! ♥u♥
Ulquiorra: ♥//////////////////////////////♥ way.

-back to emiko (a/n: okay so that was our attempt to add some romance into this xD)-

-hours  passed...okay minutes, but hours seem more dramatic xD-

Emiko: I’m worried. Let’s go look for them.
Aizen: You sure it was a number 1? I think Ulquiorra is taking a number 3.
Grimmjow: What the F*CK is a number 3?!
Aizen: It’s dairea.
Everyone: ….......O____O
Emiko: okay then...
Setsuna: I think we should go look for them..
Emiko: okay let’s go.
Tokine: Yea...and try to search this fricken house==

-back to Luka and others-

Nyu: I am seriously getting bored...what should I do....? *has an AH-HA moment* Video tape!
Ulquiorra: *he kissed her softly and passionately on the lips*
Luka: *canoodles with goatman*
Nyu: *Video tape*
Ritsu & Mio: *roaming around the hallways and find Nyu, Luka and Ulquiorra*
Ritsu: *whispers* Am I seeing what I thought that was?
Mio: *whispers back* If you mean what Luka and Ulquiorra just did, then yes.
- meanwhile -
Yui: I wonder where this leads to.... *walks into the hallway. Ricchan! Mio-chan! What are you doing here?
Luka & Ulquiorra: D:

Emiko: *hears Nyu yelling and rushes to the scene*
Setsuna: *following Emiko*
Emiko: *sees Luka and Ulquiorra* Luka-chan~ have you been doing what I think you’ve been doing?
Utau: If you mean doing Ulquiorra, then yea.
Emiko: Hahaha xD funny
Ulquiorra: O////////O *gets super embarrassed*
Luka: Utau! Emiko! >:T
Setsuna: Come on you guys. Let’s leave them to their affairs.
Nyu: >:D NO! I’m gonna black mail them with my video tapes.
Ulquiorra: D:< how dare you make fun of us!! Trash like you should not speak such things. *air starts to flow around him with light coming up from the ground (emiko’s note: sounds so gay xD)*
Emiko: Oooh~ Lights :D (emiko’s note: wtf kind of reaction is that xD)
Amu: Uh... w-what’s going on? *is scared*
Nyu: trash?... -__-
Yaya: Yaya doesn’t like the scary lights!! TT~TT
Luka: Uh...what are you doing? *asks in a totally surprisingly alarming calm way*

~there’s a sudden *zap* sound and blood red light fills the place causing everyone to not be able to see for a few seconds~

Emiko: *blinks a bit and regains focus* head. *looks around and sees Ulquiorra and Luka gone* Oh my gosh! Where’s Luka-chan?!?!
Utau: Who cares? My head hurts...
Everyone other then Emiko: O.o???
Amu: Leg hair?
Kaito: Potato sucking bastard?
Kukai: LEG HAIR?!?! AHAHAHAHAHAHA *is rolling on the floor clutching his stomach*
Utau: *kicks Kukai* don’t laugh at something so stupid.
Kukai: That hurts, Utau >3<
Utau: *turns away* Hmph. You’re fault for being stupid.
Emiko: What isn’t that the phrase people usually says?
Setsuna: I think you’re thinking of the phase “so much as touch a hair on their head”.
Emiko: I’m pretty sure it’s leg hair.
Setsuna: Okay then ^ ^;;

~To Be Continued~

I wonder what will happen to Luka-chan~ \o/ Will Goatman rape her or protect from all evil? Will she get pissed that he semi-kidnapped her? Where did they go? And will he really pull at her leg hair? o.O
All these questions shall be answered next Saturday (or Sunday xD depending on whether or not i can make the deadline)

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