Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Continuation of Poatato Sucking B*%(&# x3

Luka: *looks around to see mostly desert sand and gray* Ulquiorra...where are we?
Ulquiorra: Hueco Mundo.
Luka: H-hue-hueco Mundo?
Ulquiorra: Hueco Mundo...the hollow world.
Luka: Ooh~ Sounds interesting ^ ^ ~~♥
Ulquiora: You’re not afraid? Or terrified?
Luka: Why would I ^ ^ ?
Aizen: *pops out of no where* Ulquiorra! Why have you brought this whore to my lands?
Aizen: Do you not remember? I am Aizen! An incredibly powerful bad ass >:D
Luka: Yes, i unfortunately remember your sad existence. -_- but how dare you call me a whore.
Ulquiorra: *punches Aizen* Don’t you talk about my woman like that! You piece of trash!! >:O
Luka: Holy snap! Ulquiorra what did you do that for?!
Aizen: ugh...Ulquiorra?! How could you?! My most loyal minion besides Tosen!
Tosen: TT.TT the master thinks of me as his most loyal minion. *tears of joy*
Grimmjow: *looks at Tosen as if he’s nuts* I don’t think that’s something to be proud of.
Tosen: Shut up. -__-
Grimmjow: Oi! Emo-boy, what the hell you doin’ back here?
Ulquiorra: Grimmjow. I do not feel like talking to trash like you because trash is gross so I do not wish to associate with trash. trash trash trash.
Nnoitra: WTF? Trash? What’s with him? -_________-
Ulquiorra: Come now woman. We do not need to be in the presence of such dispicable trash.
Aizen: o.o huh? *is utterly confused* Ulquiorra?
Ulquiorra: Trash like you shall call me Cifer.
Aizen: What the F*CK is this? I’m just going to kill him.
Nnoitra: *has his sword in the air ready to swing it at ulquiorra* And why the f*ck not?
Luka: Because he’s moody for some reason, and won’t stop using the word trash ^ ^;; I think something happened to him.
Ulquiorra: *suddenly faints*
Luka: ULQUIORRA!! *puts head on his chest to listen for a heartbeat (emiko’s note: Why doesn’t she just puts her fingers to his neck like a normal person? xD)* Good. He’s still breathing. But he’s heating up. I think he has a fever.
Aizen: Gin. Quickly bring him to Orihime.
Luka: *notices it’s the name of a girl* And why would you send him to this Orihime person? -___-
Aizen: She’s our healer. *pulls out picture of her*
Luka: Grrr... no way.
Nnoitra: Uh....why the f*ck do you have a picture of that orange haired beast?
Aizen: ...I don’t know >.>
Tosen: No need to get jealous, Luka
Luka: are you sure?
Tosen: Yea, why not? I mean he did only feed her everyday when she was forcefully held captive. And might have helped her do hygienic stuff when she refused to.
Luka: WHAT?!?
Grimmjow: *smacks tosen upside the head* Baka! No woman wants to hear that about their mate and another woman.
Luka: m-mate...? *thinks this and twitches eyebrow* Anyways, take me to this Orihime this instance!!
Aizen: Tosen you caused this, so you bring her to Orihime this instance!
Tosen: yes lord-dono. *turns toward Luka* Ulquiorra’s mate, please come with me.
Luka: There they go again. calling me his “mate” *thinks this and does anime sweatdrop action*

Ulquiorra: Ughh... where.. where am I?
Luka: Shhh~ I’m here, don’t worry. You had a high fever and passed out. *pats his arm*
Ulquiorra: Did I... say or do anything,,, unusual?
Luka: Well... what do you mean by unusual? ^ ^;
Ulquiorra: When I get a fever, I usually say weird things. I do not act like myself..
Luka: OOh, uhh.. well... You did say some unusual things ^ ^;
Ulquiorra: Like what?
Aizen: Ulquiorra! Are you feeling well, now? Back to your old-self? Last night you said some pretty unfit words to your master! :T
Tosen: LOL yeah! You called the master “trash” so many times! xD

Aizen: Yes, your vocabulary was... very limited. You said “trash” multiple times in every sentence ._.

Grimmjow: Why are you being so formal all of a sudden, Aizen? Do you do that when you’re feelings get hurt?  [[emiko’s note: xD and why are u being so formal as well grimmjow? no curse words xD]]
Aizen: Of...of.. course not! :/
Nnoritora: Pshhh~ yeah sure. The big old baby is using hard words just so he can seem smart!
Grimmjow: Well atleast its better than saying “f*ck” or “f*cking....” in every sentence.
Nnoritora: You shut the hell up, Cat-boy!
*suddenly Ikuto appears*

Ikuto: And who the hell are you calling a
cat? Hmm? *Character changes and leans in Nnoritorra’s face* ((Rin’s note: for you people who don’t know much about Shugo Chara, in Ikuto’s character change, he grows cat ears and a tail. How cute! :3 xD))

Nnoritora: Where the f*ck did you come from?
Ikuto: Nowhere you need to know of... *flicks tail and cat ears, then smirks mysteriously and bounds away on rooftops* [[emiko’s note: lolz xD how did ikuto come into heuco mundo?]]
Everyone: ….
Nnoritorra: *shaken* Uhh... err.. *ahem* well that young kid’s a odd one. Acts kinda like us...when we’re drunk and not in the mood to be total assholes
Aizen: Nnoritora, you say that everyone who isn’t a complete loser, acts like us... -__-;
Tosen: Wow, he is one cool cat. I wanna be like him! He must get all the girls! :D
Aizen: Tosen, be quiet. We already have a much more powerful  cat: Grimmjow!

Tosen: But not a hotter/cooler cat >3< T.T
Grimmjow: What did you say?! >:o
Tosen: N-nothing! Ehehe ^ ^;
Grimmjow: *sigh* --; Anyway, its the first time Ulquiorra ever called me “trash”... *makes sad puppy dog eyes*  [[emiko’s note: cat making puppy dog eyes xD]]
Ulquiorra: I-I did? O_o
Grimmjow: Yeah... >3< You big meanie! *cough* I mean you’re an asshole >.>
Ulquiorra: I’m sorry... that you’re a piece of trash.
Luka: *thinks: Wow, what a complete change of character for both of them...and he mentioned the word trash again* *anime sweatdrop*
Aizen: Uhh... Grimmjow. He already has a mate... a female mate...
Grimmjow: D:
Luka: Again with the “mate” stuff *another anime sweatdrop*...
But yeah, sorry Grimmjow. I’m his... err... umm...
Tosen: mate :) *finishes the sentence for her*
Luka: Y-yeahh... *anime sweatdrop again!*...
[ No yaoi or gay pairings for Ulquiorra. :) ]
Grimmjow: D: *ahem* I mean, of course! ^//^;
Luka: *mutters* You know you don’t...
Nnoritorra: That b*itch said something! Whaddya say, b*itch?
Luka: I am not a b*tch! >:O
Ulquiorra: Yeah! You be quiet, Nnoritora. *scowls*
Nnoritora: Hmph. Ulquiorra standing up for his women... *has a disgusted look on his face*
Luka: *thinks to herself: Do I really want to stay with Ulquiorra’s crazy Espada friends? -__-; *anime sweatdrop again*

Utau: Ikuto, where the heck were you?
Ikuto: Huenco Mundo.
Utau: Isn’t that where the bastards who kidnapped all of us live?
Ikuto: Yup.
Utau: Why the f*ck would you do that? You could’ve gotten hurt!
Ikuto: Who are you, my mother?
Utau: I’m her daughter. YOUR SISTER. Are you saying I’m not allowed to care about you?
Ikuto: No. I’m saying you need to calm down.
Ritsu: Why’s that?
Mio: Why are you always butting into other people’s business?
Yui: Anyone have any strawberries? And chocolate?
Utau:  *sweatdrop* You came here for food?
Yui: No. I was just following Ricchan.
Ritsu: You’re an airhead.
Yui: I know.
Ritsu: Do you even know what an airhead is?
Yui: No. It sounds like candy, though.
Utau: . . .
Kukai: What?
Utau: You’re an idiot.
Kukai: Can you think of something else?
Utau: . . .
Mugi: *has this face http://media.photobucket.com/image/mugi%20vision/AdmiralGao/MioxRitsu%20album/MugiVisionactive.jpg?o=11* (when two close people interact, something called Mugi Vision happens. This happened in the anime a few times too. But this pic is fanmade. If you don’t know,  Mugi is the one with the blonde hair.)
Ritsu: Look! A teleporter!
Utau: What do you mean? There’s no such thing-
Ritsu: *presses a button, and everyone in the room gets teleported to Huenco Mundo. I just list the people there: Ikuto, Utau, Kukai, Ritsu, Mio, Yui & Mugi*
Utau: Where- oh, you.
Nnoitra: What the f*ck are you doing here?
Ritsu: You guys know eachtoher?
Ikuto: They hate eachother.
Ritsu: I can see that.
Luka: How’d you guys get here?
Ritsu: This *holds up teleporter. You could say it looks like a remote. Apparently, Ritsu didn’t know how to use it, so she pressed a random button and everyone who was with her got teleported to Huenco Mundo.*
Utau: What the f*ck?
Nnoitra: F*ck you.
Utau: F*ck you too.

~ with Emiko~

Emiko: Where did everyone go? First Luka disappeared. Now everyone else has gone. *goes into camera room xD*

-she sees a bunch of ppl missing, but rewinds some of the video so she could see what happened before. she finds out ppl went to heuco mundo-
-back in Huenco Mundo-

Ritsu: Weird...
Yui: Too bad, Azu-nyan isn’t here.
Mio: This place is. . .
Ritsu: Big?
Mugi: Creepy?
Yui: I think Utau and the spoon guy are really mad at eachother.
Nnoitra: Spoon guy? What kind of a name is that?
Yui: Then should I call you-
Ritsu: Number 5?
Utau: You might as well call him a bastard.
Nnoitra: No! You cannot call me but such a name! You stupid cows >:O
Yui: Cows. *is thinking about milk and ice-cream and Mugi’s cake*
Mugi: Cows?
Ritsu: Cows?!
Mio: COWS?!
Utau: Are you serious. That’s all you’ve got?
Grimmjow: you’re all fucktards -__--
Nnoitra: Yeah, what the cat said!
Yui: I thought Ikuto was the cat.
Grimmjow: Exactly that fail blue person is a cat!! I’m not a cat. I’m a king!!!
Nnoitra: Yea, king of idiots.
Utau: That must be the first time you got something right.
Gin: it appears your men are not cooperating...

~back to Emiko~

Emiko: *realizes they’re in heuco mundo and some how transports there xD*

~back to heuco mundo and stuff~

Emiko: AH HA! I’m here in Heuco Mundo. Everything big and creepy shall fear me. MUAHAHAHA!! >:D
Ritsu: That was a weird entrance.
Emiko: hm..well how else am I supposed to scare off the creepy things? Nobody ever messes with the crazy character, so I must act crazy ^ ^ (Emiko’s note: got that from a movie xD)
Aizen: Not another pest. -__-
Gin: Aizen-sama, we do know these pests. Perhaps we shall treat them with some amount of hospitality?
Aizen: no *is acting like a stubborn child*
Gin: but when you invited Luka-san to Heuco Mundo, what did you think would happen?
Utau: He probably doesn’t even know how to plan ahead.

Aizen: and Gin, why should I treat these simple mortals any kind of hospitality. Especially since they insult my bad ass-yness >3< ?
Luka: Because they are my friends, Baaakaa!
Ritsu: Yeah. If you don’t give us what we want, face my wrath. (just for the sake of the roleplay, Ritsu and Mio are really good fighters)
Nnoitra: is that supposed to frighten me?
Emiko: YES! These people are scary when they get serious.
Yui: You got that right!
Nyu: FEAR ME! FEAR MY AWESOMNESS! (since when were you awesome? xD)
Emiko: How and when did you get here?
Nyu: HOHOHOHO!! >:) And fear my dugtrios! I choose you!
Aizen: O.O talking cat?
Tosen: that was a cat? *can’t see anything* (is blind remember xD)
Nnoitra: what the fuck is a dutrios? =_=
Emiko: ...pokemon apparently.
Grimmjow: pokemon? like poke a mon?
Emiko: ...now it’s my turn to say what the fuck....-_-;; do you even want to poke that guy? xD
Nyu: *Takes out a poop on a stick and attemps to jab Grimmjow with it.*
Grimmjow: ew wtf? don’t poke me with your poop!! >:o *Is trying to doge nyu’s poop stick*
Nyu:Whoops *Poop falls off of the stick and splatters all over Grimmjow.*
Grimmjow: Ew!! >:\
Nnoitra: AHAHAHA you’re covered in shit!!! xD
Emiko: you guys are gross....>~< *walks away*
Nyu:EW. Its a guy with an eye.
Aizen: when did we get cyclops, Tosen?
Tosen: I think it’s what hollow babies look like.
Aizen: That big? (emiko’s note: it’s giant)
Tosen: I guess so Aizen-sama...
Aizen: interesting. Go kill it ^o^
Nyu:Hold on. How does a blind guy know how hollow babies look like?Explain that to me?
Tosen: I can sense the shape and form from its reitsu -_-
Tosen: Cuz i cannot physcally see with my eyes. I can only sense stuff.
Emiko: Meaning you’re bad at “I spy” xD
Nyu:Then you need no eye. =_=
Utau: What the heck is this?
Ritsu: Nyu’s not a mortal! Nyu can shapeshift!
Mio: That wasn’t necessary...
Nyu:GUAHHAHAHHAHAH!*Turns into a Lump pic
Yukina: im a vampire
Emiko: *gasp* how did you get here, Yukina!?
Yukina: i used instant transmission
Ritsu: Instant transmission? What the heck is that?
Emiko: instant transmission; transporting to a place instantly.
Ritsu: Isn’t that like the teleporter that I found?
Mio: She knows how to use instant transmission. You don’t. Which means that you can’t used the teleporter either.
Emiko: where did Luka-chan go by the way?
Gin: I believe she snuck off with Ulquiorra
Emiko: Grrr...that potato sucking bastard stole her again :T
Emiko: Ulquiorra...he stole Luka-chan!! TT-TT we should go save her!! :D
Nyu:Screw that. I go eat pie.
Emiko: where the heck would you get pie? we’re in a stupid desert!
Nyu:*Eats pie*
Emiko: o.O and she still is able to get pie...
Yukina: I want pie!
Emiko: I want a lot of things. But life isn’t fair enough to give them to us...but fortunately I don’t listen to life’s rules :D so I got pie in my bag (magic bag remember ^ ^). *precedes to eat pie w/o sharing xD hohoho)
Nyu:*Procedes to eat Emiko’s bag*
Emiko: NYU STOP EATING MY BAG!! That’s a big NO NO!! >:O
Utau: What the hell are we doing here anyways?
Emiko: We’re supposed to save Luka-chan :T
Utau: She doesn’t seem to need any saving
Emiko: I refuse to let Ulquiorra to ...to... argh! I just don’t want him near her >.> he seems weird for some reason.
Ritsu: So what? He seems normaler than the other Espadas
Mio: Normaler isn’t a word.
Ritsu: So what?
Emiko: but he kept saying trash before he kidnapped her D: that’s gotta count for some odd behavior.
Ikuto: So?
Emiko: hmph >3< fine. but I still am interested in finding out about this desert castle. *goes inside las nochas*
Yui: Dessert castle? YUMMY!
Ritsu: She said desert castle. Desert as in sandy, hot places without water.
Yui: Awww! I want cake!
Mugi: *gives Yui cake* Here.
Yui: Thanks, Mugi!
Utau: Does she always carry that around?
Aizen: *notices Emiko entering Las nochas (the desert castle)* HEY YOU! NO ONE IS ALLOWED INSIDE EXCEPT ME AND MY MINIONS!! >:O
Emiko: *ignores Aizen and keeps walking*
Yukina: *finding nothing better to do she follows Emiko inside the caslte*
Gin: *follows because Aizen wanted him to make sure they didn’t break anything*
*everyone else follows them into the castle*
Aizen: TT-TT why doesn’t anybody listen to me? what happened to my authority?
Nnoitra: Stop crying like a pussy and follow everyone.
*so Aizen, Nnoitra, Grimmjow, and Tosen enters the castle as well*
Yukina: Oooh~ *is fascinated by the creepy stuff on the walls, that she is touching everything*
Aizen: could you please not touch everything...>:\ *is starting to get angry*
Utau: What an idiot.
Ritsu: *knocks down a VIP (very important potion) and it spills all over the floor*
Utau: RITSU!
Ritsu: What? I thought you didn’t care about the so called BAMF’s stuff.
Utau: I don’t, but what if that stuff you just spilled-
Kukai: Makes the place explode? That’s just stupid.
*the floor explodes and leaves a big hole*
Emiko: aw~ kukai finished her sentence ^ ^~ *is totally ignoring the giant hole xD*
Mugi: *has activated Mugi Vision and is thinking in a slightly perverted way and now has sparkly eyes* (perverted how? xD like I can think of multiple things, but I’m not sure what . Mugi is thinking. lolz let’s just leave it unknown)
Yukina: *gasp* that’s a big hole. *is peering into it, and accidentally slips and falls in*
Emiko: hm...can we possibly leave my sister there? xD
Utau: Well, we can jump in and-
Kukai: Are you serious?
Ritsu: Hey! Where’s Mio?
Emiko: Then I guess we must go in and save Mio! (totally not mentioning the idea of saving her sister xD)
Yukina: *is now in this hole, and somehow survived* Wow..it’s dark in here. I can’t see anything.
Mio: This didn’t happen this didn’t happen this didn’t happen this didn’t happen this didn’t happen this didn’t happen-
Yukina: um..is somewhere down here too? who are you?
Mio: Um.... you can say I’m your sister’s friends.............
Emiko: HELLOOO DOWN THERE!! ARE YOU OKAY!!??! *is shouting down the hole*
Mio: R-Ritsu?
Ritsu: YES! IT’S ME!
Emiko: WE ARE COMING TO SAVE YOU!! *is now looking at the people who didn’t fall* so anyone thought of how yet?
Utau: Yukina has an instant transmission thingy. Use it.
Yukina:I’m not a dolt! and yea, I’ll help this Mio person too. *starts the instant transmission process*
Emiko: Hurry it up! We don’t got all day.
Aizen: What have you done to my castle!?!? >:O
Tosen: ...damn now I have to fix this. *starts to fix the floor*
Emiko: Wait, baka. People are down there.
Tosen: *is apparently deaf as well, and didn’t hear her. so he continues to fix the floor*
Yukina: *her instant transmission was blocked by the newly fixed floor, and cannot use her power anymore*
Yukina:*uses her fire power to burn the floor above.*
Tosen: *gets burned by the fire ball Yukina blasted* GAHHH!! *loses an
Yukina: Thats what you get for trapping us *Telports to the ground above*
Yui: *hugs Mio* Yay!! You’re back!!!!!
Mio: . . .
Emiko: took you long enough to save Mio, you dolt! (is apparently in a mean mood with her sister xD don’t know why. possibly grumpieness?)
Yukina: ow! meanie >3< I’m not a dolt and i didn’t have to help this Mio person.
Yui: That means you’re the meanie!
Yukina: Well i don’t even now this Mio person
Utau: If you were hired for community service, you’d probably get kicked out five seconds later because you refused to help someone you didn’t know.
Yukina: well why would I be doing community service :P I have no time for that.
Yui: Not even a part time job?
Yukina: My dad pays for all of that. hmph *does a stuck up snobby head turn thingy*
Emiko: Ha! I can’t believe you depend on our stupid dad. -_- (dad=rido btw xD)
Utau: What a failure. She needs to do things for herself, instead of depending on others. Who knows when someone could turn agaisnt you.
Emiko: eh- she’ll learn. So far I’ve been making her do my cleaning as a way to help her with this problem. ^ ^  (and not just because my maid went on vacation for a bit xD) she has improved on this selfish problem of hers since then :)
Ritsu: So she was worse before?
Ikuto: Well, there are people worse than that.
Utau: Much worse.
Yui: If she’s that selfish, maybe you shouldn’t give her cake anymore. That’ll teach her a lesson!
Yukina: then i’ll get it myself
Emiko: Now Yukina, you know that’s not right.
Yukina: I don’t care (emiko’s note: apparently my sister is rebellious xD)
Emiko: ugh whatever. Let’s just get out of here!
Emiko: *glares deathly glare at Aizen*
Aizen: *is slightly scared, but still pretends to be “tough”*
Emiko: Hmph, yes. Let’s leave. I do not wish to be in a place where I’m apparently not welcomed. *leaves*
Gin: Now Aizen-sama, do you think that was very nice?
Aizen: Who says I’m nice? >.>
Nyu:Ah! Look! A Donut shop! WEEE *Flies over to the random shop in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of a desert.*
Emiko: *follows Nyu* ^ ^;; so much for me leaving.
-Unfortunately, the whole Donut shop was eaten by Nyu the Lump before Emiko even got there. But fortunately, Nyu had her fill. :D-
Emiko: NYU!!! I wanted some yummy sprinkle donuts >:( why you such a pig?And you even ate my bag. Why would you even eat it, you crazy woman!..  (XD)

~weird black hole thingy appears above the group, and sucks them in~
Nyu:*Folds arms* Screw this hole. Its dark. And creepy. And...it smells? like..uh...something really rotten....
Yukina:*lights a stick with a fire ball to make light*
Emiko: Um...now focus on how we get out...
Nyu:Where’s Luka?
Emiko: With Ulquiorra >.>
Yui: What is this? A black hole?
Ritsu: There are no black holes on Earth, or anywhere near it. This is probably a portal taking us to another dimension.
Utau: Dimwit! That doesn’t make any sense!
Yukina: Neither do you.
Emiko: I’m still bothered Luka-chan isn’t here. I swear she’s doing something drastically insane at the moment. I can just feel it.
Mio: How...do you feel it? o.o
Yukina: Through woman intuition. Duh.
Emiko: I guess. but I like to call it my leek-y senses.
Utau: You just like using the word “leek” everywhere; don’t you? -__-
Emiko: Yes! :D
Utau: -__-;; Why am I not surprised by that answer?  (Emiko’s note: note- thoughts are in italics. ^ ^)
Emiko: Now, I shall go look for Luka-chan. You guys try and find an exit.
Nyu: nom nom nom *is still eating what’s left of the donut shop* (Emiko’s note: pig >.> ...xD)

~with Luka~

Luka: Where are we going, Ulqui~ ?
Ulquiorra: To my quarters. (monotone)
Grimmjow: What the fuck is up with the way you talk?! Can’t you just say “your room”? -___-
Ulquiorra: trash like you wouldn’t understand. because trash don’t know how to behave like a proper gentlemen in front of ladies like Luka. which has to do with why you’re trash. trash trash trash.
Grimmjow: wtf -__-
Luka: ^ ^ you’re roome?! :D ooh~ what are we going to do there?
Grimmjow: I better not be apart of this “we”. >:\
Luka: aw~ but Grimmjow-kun, it would be more fun if you were to join *evil/devilish grin* (Emiko’s note: *is totally grossed out*)
Grimmjow: o.o;; uh...
Ulquiorra: . . . .if it’s what you want. *is surprisingly willing to do what Luka wishes*
Luka: Uh...^ ^;; it was just a joke.

*SLAP* [a dramatically loud slap i mean.]

Ulquiorra: trash like you shouldn’t use such like trashy language around non-trash people. because you’re trash trash trash!!
Grimmjow: that hurt! *sniffle* why would you do that!?! D:<
Ulquiorra: trash. please, come with me in this dark confined space for a moment. we need to um..talk.
Luka: Why does he call a closet a dark confined space? o.o;;
Grimmjow: o-okay...

*the two espada men walk into the “dark confined space”*

Luka: uhhh....o.o I wander what they’re going to do in there.

*AHHHHHHHH!!! ~ NO! NO! NOOOO! ~ UGHAHH~~~!!* (Emiko’s note: lmfao xD idk how to do sound affects)

Luka: O///////O holy shit! are they...?! OMG!! >///////< *has bad/pervy thoughts*

*Ulquiorra comes out of the closet looking normal*

Luka: What happened?! I heard strange noises!!
Ulquiorra: He had to be punished.
Luka: Punished how?

*Grimmjow comes out looking all flustered and sweaty xD*

Luka: O_O What happened to you!?
Luka: OMFG! DON’T CRY GRIMMJOW!!! D: it’s very unbecoming, and not very appropriate.
Grimmjow: This idiot just RAPED ME!!! *points at Ulquiorra*
Luka: Ulqui. Why would you do *pause* that?
Luka: Stop crying Grimmjow ^ ^;;. Here have some cake and tea.
Grimmjow: *smacks it out of Luka’s hands*
Luka: Oh, right. You probably want booze and cake instead :D
Grimmjow: *drinks the booze, but tries to throw the cake at Ulquiorra, but he dodged it*
Ulquiorra: stop lying you piece of trash. I didn’t rape you.
Grimmjow: TT~TT yes you did!!!
Ulquiorra: I only fiercely abused you with various janitor items in the confined space we were in.
Luka: wtf o.o ..j-janitor items? (ex. mops, brooms, buckets, etc.)
Ulquiorra: …. -.- only to humiliate you and strip you of your dignity.
Luka: hm...sounds like a good way to do that *is basically agreeing that stripping someone of clothes is good way to humiliate them* (Emiko’s note: Please do not try that at home!!)
Ulquiorra: besides, don’t blame me that you became all flustered and felt pleasure because you’re a masochist. -______-
Grimmjow: H-how did you know that?!?!??!
Luka: SO IT’S TRUE!!??!  OAO
Ulquiorra: Because all trash are like that. (Emiko’s note: very stereotypical)
Luka: ^ ^;; uh....
Grimmjow: >/////////< shut up! *runs away*
Luka: he...he ran away o.o

~ back to Emiko~

Emiko: Where the hell is Luka?!? *Emiko sees a teared-up  Grimmjow running past her*
Grimmjow: *sniffle sniffle*  stupid ulquiorra. stupid ulquiorra. *repeats the phrase as he’s running*
Emiko: Wait! GRIMMJOW!!
Grimmjow: *ignores Emiko* (Emiko’s note: How rude >3<)
Emiko: hm..well he came from that way...so Luka must be in that direction ^ ^ *starts walking down the hallway*

~Eventually Emiko finds Luka~

Emiko: LUKA!!! There you are!!!
Luka: huh? :3
Emiko: Come back home!
Luka: Okay.
Emiko: I will not take no for an answer, you butt- oh you're okay with that?
Luka: Yea
Emiko: Great :D
Luka: but Ulquiorra gets to come too :D Emiko: Dx why? he's such a potato su-
Luka: Say "sucking bastard" and I'll kill you!
Emiko: o.o
Luka: So, deal? Emiko: okay x)
Luka: Good.
Emiko: Yay! Luka-chan is coming back :D
~They somehow find their way back home from Heuco Mundo~

Emiko: eh, Luka, what did you do to Grimmjow-kun? :3 he was crying...
Luka: It's because Ulquiorra raped him xD
Emiko: LOLOLOL XDD ....wait what?! O.o

The End

Yes I'm going to end here xD.