Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Birthday Time! :D

Today is Kukai's Birthday!! :D
So the whole roleplay cast (yes I've decided that's what we shall be called xD), joined together for one epic afternoon, and typed up a nice birthday themed roleplay just for Kukai~ ^ ^.
And since it's Kukai's birthday, we will post this today on his birthday instead of on Saturday, just because it's a special occasion~ :3

btw remember:
Hana = Emiko's executive maid
Joey-Bill = Emiko's cool male nurse
Satoya = Friend of some kind to Utau/Kukai's love rival? xD

The story now begins...

~Some random point in the day ~

Yaya: *runs upstairs into a closet full of candy*

Emiko: *follows Yaya*
-upstairs in the candy closet-

Yaya: Wah~! So much candy!! :3
Emiko: My candy >~<
Yaya: You should share!
Emiko: ….>.>

~Emiko and Yaya fight over the candy closet and everyone comes to the candy closet to see what’s going on~
Yui: CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Len: I didn’t know there would ACTUALLY be someone who kept a closet full of candy O_O
Rin: OMG it’s candy~ Can I have some too? :D
Nyu: MINE!!! >:O
Emiko: >~< Everyone wants my candy!
Setsuna: You should really share, Emiko.
Kaito: *eating ice cream* Sharing is caring :3
Emiko: sigh~ I guess I’ll be nice this time.
Everyone: Yay! Candy :D
Emiko: BUT! You must stay at my house for all enternity. MUAHAHAHAHAHA
Setsuna: *sweatdrop* -.-;;
Ritsu: Why should we stay? I left my little brother at home.
Yaya: Same here.
Amu: And my sister
Emiko: You should stay because I got caandy~ ;D and your sister can come live with meh too.
Len: But you know... candy won’t solve all our problems. Besides, isn’t candy really cheap? We could always buy some ourselves... ^ ^;
Rin: But Len! Emiko’s candy is like the best candy around here! :D
Emiko: So you’re all staying here?! :D
Rin: Well, I know I’m staying! Until any further notice ^ ^
Len: *sigh* Then I will have to stay as well. :)
Emiko: Then you two get candy~ :D  Go eat some if you like.
Yaya: Yaya will stay too!!!!!
Yui: Same here. And I’ll have Ui stay too. (A/N: Ui is Yui’s sister)
Emiko: AWESOME~~ !! You guys get candy too :3. Anybody else want to live with me for all eternity? ^w^
Rin: But Emiko.. we said until further notice! Not eternity! But.. we really like it here...
Len: But we still need to go home sometimes... and maybe permanently :/
Emiko: Sigh~ I guess eternity does put you at a inconvenience. Hm...then you are allowed to go where ever you want once every two months! :D sounds good to me. ~ ^ ^
Len and Rin: *smile at each other* Ok! Deal :D
Yui: I’m staying too!
Mugi: Sure, why not?
Emiko: Awesome!! :D’ll have to have more rooms added then. Okay, I’ll have construction people over tomorrow. So this is your chance to build your dream room people! ^ ^
Setsuna: Are we really letting all these people live with us?
Emiko: Why not? :3
Setsuna: It’ll get crowded.
Emiko: That’s why we’re build more rooms, silly ^ ^.
Rin: So, Emiko. Then do you mean we can get like a personal architect? :D
I have great plans for my dream room :) <3 *goes off into a fantasy world of her own*

Len: *sweatdrop* *then brightens up* But that still means we can have a really big room with a divider in the middle, right? >:)
Emiko: Whatever you want! :D I’ll have a contractor for each of you, so I can suit all of your needs ^ ^.
Rin: *snaps out of her fantasy world* But you know... I feel really bad that we’re like all freeloading on you. Most of us aren’t from middle class or lower class families anyways... *looks around the room*
Len: Yeah, like maybe half the people here? Like we’re from very wealthy families too :) *puts arm around Rin*
Rin: *blushes* You notice how he said families? Not family? Ha, that means we’re from different families. Which also means that we’re not related >:)
Len: *sweatdrop* Rin... I don’t think that was a point you needed to make... but.. yeah, its true. Thank goodness for that! ^ ^ <3
Emiko: uhhh...^ ^;; that’s nice? I mean I don’t really care if you a dirt poor hobo, if I like you then you’re my friend xD. *cough cough nyu cough cough*
Setsuna: Sigh~ That wasn’t very nice Emiko.
Nyu: Fck you, I don’t need your love. You can go die in a hole. :D
Emiko: Aww~ But Nyu-san. You know you still have my love anyways~ ^w^
Nyu: =_=.........Go shit in youself. I wish you good luck.
Emiko: So you’re not going to live in my house with meh? :(
Nyu: You know I live in a house.... =_=....Far far away from you.
Emiko: I still think you should live with me nonetheless.
Setsuna: Just give up on her living with us ^ ^;;
Nyu: Hell NO. *Turns to smoke and disappears*
Ritsu: She turned into smoke!
Utau: Thank you, Captain Obvious.
Yui: So what are we gonna do about the rooms? I mean, it’s gonna take a long time for them to be ready.
Emiko: Well, you guys just have to keep sharing rooms with your designated partner while the rooms are being made.
Rin: Wait. Everyone has partners? O_o
Emiko: Yea, oh wait. You came here late. Well you see. Utau is with Kukai. Rima is with Nagi. And Amu is with Ikuto and so on ^ ^.
Rin: So, its basically the pairings have to share rooms? Ooooh~ Emiko, you perveted woman xD >:)
Emiko: I’m bored all day. *grins* I had to do something.
Ritsu: And apparently, I got shoved into a room with four people.
Mio: You wanted all of us in the same room.
Yui: It’s not that bad.
Mugi: Yeah, I like the arrangments.
Azusa: *doesn’t know what to say*
Emiko: But Nyu is the unfair one who gets her own room :\. She kills anyone I partner her up with.
Ritsu: Really?
Emiko: Yes >~< Nyu is a monster.
Setsuna: -.-;; she ate up most of our sheets.
Kaito: *licks ice cream and nods head*
Yui: She ate the bed sheets?!
Ritsu: Who’d she kill?
Emiko: Well she came close to killing Joey-Bill >~<. And she also killed that random hobo guy who asked for a one night stay. Sigh~ poor hobo >.>
Rin: *gasp* OMG she killed a hobo? :O I shall pray to God that she may be forgiven. And you, Nyu; are coming with me! >:O Wait... shes not here, is she? ^ ^; Oh well then... I shall make her repent of her sins later >:)
Len: *sweatdrop* Umm.. R-Rin? T-that not exactly what we Christians do... ^ ^;;;
Rin: I know that, Len! I’m just putting on a show, here! >:/
But I was serious about praying to God to ask Nyu for forgiveness... and making Nyu do it too :)
Len: Alrighty then ^ ^;;
Mugi: *comes into the room with a giant cake*
Nyu: *Eats the cake in smoke form = cake magically disappears*
Emiko: that’s creepy ^ ^;;. Nyu you need to come back to solid form.
Nyu:*Laughs* Naw XD
Setsuna: Sigh~ Emiko you can handle this right? You know I have to go now.
Emiko: Ah! I forgot. I want to come too.
Kaito: I’m out of ice cream.
Emiko: Okay okay. Everyone, wit until tomorrow about the room thing. Me and Setsuna has to go do some stuff. But wait, I think we’ll need everyone. Except Kukai!
Nyu: *Laughs* Lol.Tats right XFFFF Except you~*Floats around*
Emiko: Shhh Nyu!
Kukai: Wah~!? D: they’re being so obvious. I might as well play along

~Everyone joins in a circle (Nyu in smoke form XD) and whispers a bunch of things right next to Kukai. But Kukai could hear the word birthday being repeated a lot~

Kukai: I can totally hear you guys *sweatdrop*
Nyu: *Laughs* He says he can hear you~ You guys suck XF
Utau: Like you don’t.
Ritsu: Well then....
Nyu:*Floats round* ...Unless you want me to dump him into the lake as a B-Day gift?I’m fine with that... :D
Rin: If you do that, Nyu. Then I can easily rescue him *grins*
Nyu:...Make that a sea of lava :D
Rin: Well... my Daddy is Poseidon.. so I can control all basic fluids... right? :D
Atleast thats what my friend Percy in Camp Half-blood can do... and he’s weaker than I am. So I should be able to do that...

Nyu: Don’t lie. The old man can only control water =_=...
Rin: Shutup, Nyu! This is about Kukai’s birthday! We need to make it a good party! Its not about you trying to kill him and whether I can save him or not, anyways --;
Nyu:Fine fine. Wut ever you say~

Emiko: Yoshi-kun should make the cake! I want it 10 feet tall xD!
Yui: I thought Mugi was gonna make the cake.
Emiko: They can make it together :D. It’ll make for an awesome cake ^w^.
Kaito: Don’t forget Ice cream.
Emiko: And we’ll need balloons! And music! K-on, you’ll provide music entertainment ^ ^.
Yui: It should be an ice cream cake with lots of strawberries and chocolate- MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Emiko: Plus, we’ll need party games. Also, someone really needs to go over there and distract Kukai. Utau you should do it~! :D
Utau: Why me?
Ritsu: Why not?
Nyu:Lololol Kids these days are so clueless XDDDDDDDDD
Kukai: *can still hear everything they’re saying. * Wah~ Utau is going to distract me!?
Utau: I don’t want to do it! >////<
Nyu:Lolol XDDDDDD Shes blushing XDDDDDDDD
Emiko: But you’re the perfect one for the job!
Ritsu: I have an idea! ….
Nyu:...Lock ‘em both in room C:
Ritsu: I was gonna say have them engaged in an epic game of Mario Kart, but your idea isn’t that bad.
Nyu:...Hay ~ And then watch them from Emiko’s video camera XDDDDD How fun C:
Emiko: We can’t watch them. We have to plan the party. I’ll just record, so we can watch it later.
Nyu:Naw. I’ll watch them ;D
Mio: You people are seriously going to lock them in a room?
Yui: I liked the Mario Kart idea better.
Emiko: Kukai~ Come here.
Kukai: uh..okay? *goes towards Emiko*
Emiko: Okay bag em’!

Everyone: *puts a bag over Kukai and Utau and shoves them in a near by closet*
Nyu: MUAHAHAAHHAHHA -^V^-*Locks the closet*
Ritsu: It’s funny how a cloud of smoke is having a laughing fit.
Nyu: Can I suffocate them? *Trollface*
Ikuto: No.
Mio: Defintely not.
Nyu: -_-.....Wut. I never said I was going to suffocate you....
Emiko: Yea..I’m confused ^ ^;; Nyu don’t kill people.

~In the closet with Kukai and Utau~

Kukai: Why were we tossed into a closet? *playing dumb about the party*
Utau: >.> hmph. *is not allowed to tell him or she’ll be killed xD*

~Back to the others~
Rima: So, what do we do first?
Emiko: We must start making the cake! Mio and Yoshi-kun go to the kitchen now! I want a big strawberry ice cream that’s 5 feet tall now! *giving orders like a military commander xD*
Yui: You mean Mugi.
Mio: Why is she getting our names confused?
Ritsu: Didn’t yo say 10 feet tall before?
Emiko: Oh, sorry ^ ^. Okay, well Mugi and Yoshi-kun go make the cake now! And it can be either 10 feet tall or 5 feet. I don’t care. Just go now! Pronto! >:D
Nyu:And I shall supervise C: *Float towards the kitchen with Mugi and Yoshimori*
Emiko: You better not eat the cake before we serve it Nyu! Okay, now for the party games, who wants to plan for that?
Ritsu: I’ll take care of that.
Yaya: Me too!
Emiko: No! I need the K-on people to get together and make a nice happy birthday song for Kukai. So you can’t help with the games, Ritsu.
Ritsu: Make a birthday song? Can’t we just sing the songs we already made? And isn’t Mugi making the cake?
Emiko: right.. and that will help us save time. okay then ^ ^. So you and Yaya can go plan the games ^ ^. all we need is ...decorations! Who wants to do that?
Setsuna: I guess I will...
Emiko: But who’s going to help you D: ?
Rima: I say Amu should.
Emiko: then Ikuto must help as well ^ ^. It is a three people job anyways. xD
Ikuto: *sweatdrop* decorations? sure...........
Emiko: Okay ^ ^. . . wait! O.o you all got Kukai gifts already right?
Yaya: You mean this? *brings in a wagon of candy*
Emiko: *sweatdrop* are all those gifts from everyone? Or just you Yaya?
Yaya: It’s from everyone
Emiko: um..okay ^ ^;; I guess we got gifts covered. Now all we have left to do is the food planning. I guess I and whoever else that isn’t doing anything should do that job.
Kaito: I say we eat ice cream the whole time!
Emiko: ^ ^;; we can’t do that. Also, Rin and Len I need you two to go check on the two love birds in the closet.
Mugi: *yells out from the kitchen* Are we gonna have any yakisoba? (A/N: yakisoba is what Yui is holding in this pic)
Nyu: Isn’t this a B-day party?
Rin: Roger! Come on, Len! Let’s goooo~ *drags Len along by the arm*
Len: Heyhey, calm down! I never said I wasn’t going to do it! RIN~!

*stops in front the of the closet*
*Rin puts her ear to the door and listens*
Rin: *whispers* Hey, Len. I can’t hear anything...
Len: *frowns* *then whispers* Well, thats odd.. unless... their... dead? O_O
Whatever their doing... should make a sound.... O///O
Nyu: Hell no.They still alive :D
Rin: Ew~ Len-kun! You perv~ ^w^; xD *playfully slaps his arm*
*then she hears a sound*
Rin: *whisper yells* OMG! Shhhh~ Len!
Len: O_O *whispers* Okok...
Emiko: You’re allowed to open the door ^ ^;;.
Nyu: Loololol
Rin: Gah! Emiko! You scared me! And Nyu, you needa shutup! ><
Nyu:LOlolol. *Goes through the closet door*
Rin: No! Wait~
Utau and Kukai: *playing video games*
Emiko: O.o who put video games in my closet?
Joey-Bill: Damn. You guys found my hang out area. >.>

Nyu:*Suffocates Joey-Bill*DIEEEEEE
Joey-Bill: C-cant. B-bre-eathe. Ga-cha. Geugha *is choking*
Emiko: NO!!!! Nyu stop!!! *whacks her on the head*

Nyu:*Opens closet door and pushes Joey-Bill inside. Locks door.*
Emiko: Oh great. You just gave more work for Rin and Len to do -.-;;. Because if you let him out then he’ll go rabid on you.
Rin: *hands on hips* Nyu! Look what you did, you meddlesome cat! >:O
Len: Rin! Rin! Calm down~ Nyu... is just like that, you know that! ^ ^;
Rin: Hmph! But she still made me have MORE people to watch! >:/
*sigh* anyways... just.. just go back to the kitchen and supervise the work there, Nyu! *is still cross at her*
Nyu: Fine :F *Floats back to kitchen*
Rin: I think Kukai is VERY distracted now.. with a rabid Joey-Bill and Utau in there ^ ^;
Soo... what do we do now, Emiko? Can we just leave Kukai alone now? :)
Emiko: Hm...I still think you should at least leave some food for them before we go. Other then that, we should all be getting to work xD.
Rin: Ok~ :) Wait, Kukai! What do you like to eat?
Kukai: Erm..>.> fish?
Len: Alright, then. We’ll get you some fish... :)
*Len and Rin go into the kitchen to get Kukai some fish*
Rin: OMG What happened in here?! *shocked*
Yoshi: Err.. umm... It was Nyu!
Nyu: =_= Wut? I was watching you guys blow the goddamed cake up >_>.It was a friendly cake too....
Emiko: *comes to check on them* * gasp * :O! Oh no! What have you guys done?!?!? We don’t have enough time for you to restart!! > <
Nyu: -_- Go to the bakery.....
Emiko: NO! I refuse! >3<
Rin: Why not, Emiko? Len and I could go and come back in a flashhhhhhh!
Emiko: No! Cake is not as special when made by random people. AH HA MOMENT! I just thought of something! My chefs can help Yoshi-kun and Mugi-chan make the cake! ^ ^
Nyu:That's too gay...Chefs are random people too..=_=
Emiko: Not if they’re my chefs.
Nyu: Go shit in a john.
Emiko: that makes no sense and has nothing to do with anything -.-;
Rin: Hmm.. that sounds nice! Good thinking! ^ ^ As long as Kukai gets to have a nice cake and party for his birthday!
Emiko: Okay then. Yoshi-kun! Mugi-chan! My chefs! Go make a 5 foot tall strawberry cake! >:D

*after the cake is done and all the balloons and party stuff is set upp~*

Emiko: Finally we finished getting everything ready :D!
Rin: Phew! That was a lonngggg day~ ^ ^;
Setsuna: Gosh, that was a lot of work -.-;;.
Emiko: okay, Rin-chan here are some blindfolds. Go get Kukai and the others. Also here is a piece of chocolate. It should calm Joey-Bill down ^ ^.
Rin: OMG no! I am not going in there with a rabid Joey-bill! >:(
Emiko: Don’t worry ^w^ Len-kun will protect you. Isn’t that right Len-kun? *creepy scary face
towards Len* ← my way of persuading people xD
Len: O.O o-okay. I’ll go with Rin... it’s not like I didn’t want to though (italics=thoughts)
Emiko: So hurry up and go get the birthday boy!
*Len and Rin go off to the closet*
Rin: *knocks on the door* Kukai? Can I come in?
Kukai: Yeah! Sure!
Utau: I still beat you >.>
Kukai: *smirks at Utau* Suure you did.

Rin: What are you two talking about?
Kukai: She thinks she beat me in our video game.
Utau: I don’t think. I know.
Joey-Bill: He beat you.
Utau: No he didn’t! >~<
Joey-Bill: And why the heck am I blindfolded too?! >:(

~ Okay moving on to where the birthday stuff is ~
Len: Emiko we brought them here.
Emiko: Don’t take off the blindfolds yet!
Rin: Why not?
Emiko: I forgot to do something! *climbs up ladder and puts on candles* Okay, now take the blindfolds off.
Len and Rin: *Start singing Happy Birthday*
Everyone: *everyone else joins in*
Kukai: AWW~ You guys shouldn’t have! :’D
Utau: Don’t try to get all dramatic and just be thankful.

So they all have fun eating cake, playing games (like pin the tail on the donkey and etc.), popping balloons, and what not. Kukai had a fun happy birthday that he will always remember. THE END     

xD lmfao fail ending but okay.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Btw, who included Percy Jackson & The Olympians? RIN ISN'T POSEIDON'S DAUGHTER AND PERCY'S FRIEND! LOLZ~
